Counterpoint study guide MUSI Introduction to Counterpoint cr - ?? pm TR MUSI Final Exam Study Guide Topic Summary Species Counterpoint - Knowledge of st nd rd th species composition techniques Error detection in short species exercises Consonance and dis

MUSI Introduction to Counterpoint cr - ?? pm TR MUSI Final Exam Study Guide Topic Summary Species Counterpoint - Knowledge of st nd rd th species composition techniques Error detection in short species exercises Consonance and dissonance principles treatment Invertible Counterpoint - Subject and answer structures and entries - Real and tonal answers identify and de ?ne - Subject melody and counter- melody treatment and design Motivic Development - Imitation - Motivic fragmentation - Techniques of motivic development inversion augmentation diminution etc Fugue Invention Sinfonia Canon - Fugal structure know the standard entries of voices episodes and development techniques - Imitative counterpoint and voices identify imitation techniques - Invertible counterpoint and voices write and analyze short invertible passages - Structure of an invention and voices analysis identify subject answer episode and development passages - Identify - canonic techniques augmentation retrogression diminution mirror canon perpetual canon riddle canons from given works and excerpts Terms and de ?nitions selected there may be more in the exam Dux - Comes - Stretto - Inversion - Episode - Invention - Cancrizans - Contrary motion - Fugue Kyrie - Credo - Mass - Nota Cambiata - Sequence - Mirror canon - Prolation - Counter-motive Repertoire Know at least ?ve pieces from the repertoire studied in class this semester composer title date and contrapuntal approach The exam will contain short analysis questions on at least one piece from each of the centuries we have studied o th century species counterpoint masses and motets o th century fugues canons inventions o th century fugues canons C ? ? ? ? ? ?

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