Curriculum vitae widya pusblih rev
CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DATA Name Sex Religion Citizenship Marital Status Phone E- mail Address Widya Risnawaty M Psi Psi Female Catholic Indonesian Married with children - Faculty of Psychology widya risnawaty gmail com widyar untar ac id FORMAL EDUCATION ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? INFORMAL EDUCATION Januari Februari ?? ?? April April September UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA Faculty of Psychology Post-Graduate Program Majoring in Clinical Psychology and Program Minor in Educational Psychology Graduated with GPA Scala UNIVERSITAS SURABAYA Faculty of Psychology Bachelor ? s degree in Psychology Graduated with GPA Scale SMUK SANTA MARIA Senior High School SMP NEGERI Junior High School SD NEGERI PETROKIMIA Elementary School th grade Jakarta Surabaya Surabaya Gresik Gresik BREVET HYPNOTHERAPIST ?? Certi ?ed as Hypnotherapist NGH WORKSHOP EGO STATE THERAPY BREVET HANDWRITING ANALYSYS ?? Certi ?ed as Master Handwriting Analyst CMHA BREVET PSYCHOTHERAPIST ?? Certi ?ed as Psychotherapist in CBT Universitas Padjajaran colaboration with Reno Foundation Amsterdam WORKSHOP FOR TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHO -TERAPY Workshop for psychologist and counselor WORKSHOP FOR TRAUMA HEALING AND RECILIENCE WITH COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY CBT Workshop for psychologist and conselor TRAINING FOR ASSISTANT OF LECTURER ? Training for assistant or university-level Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Bandung Jakarta Jakarta Surabaya CApril March July September ?? instructor in Surabaya University THE INDONESIAN ?? AMERICAN FRIENDSHIP FOUNDATION English language course ?? Intensive Toef Program score MANAGEMENT SKILL TRAINING Training for university student in Surabaya University Level training in Basic ??BEING EFFECTIVE PERSON ? TRAINING Training for university student JOHN ROBERT POWERS Personal Development Program INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE PROGRAMS English language course Level course in Intermediate Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya WORKING EXPERIENCES Mei - Now As Lecturer in Universitas Tarumanagara Psychologist Psychoterapist Jakarta June ?? Mei September ?? Now February ?? Now November ?? Now October ?? Now January January ?? February January ?? August August ?? February March ?? August September Head of Undergraduate Program in Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta Jakarta As Lecturer in Universitas Tarumanagara As Psychologist in Clinic nonpro ?t that cooperate with Catholic Church Free lance as Psychologist for recruitment project and conseling psychology Associate Member as Psychologist in the Recruitment project to select candidate employee as TKI Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Assistant Researcher in laboratorium of Social Psychology in Universitas Surabaya Doing in-depth interview to subject as refugees from Sambas Research about ??Psychological aspect in refugees from Sambas ? in ?eld at Madura Assistant Researcher in laboratorium of General and Experiment Psychology in Universitas Surabaya Doing in-depth interview to subject for ??Coping Behavior ? research Research in ?eld at Bandung Middle Assistant Asisten Madya Helping the activity in Consultant and Services Psychology Centre in Universitas Surabaya for recruitment test and prestative test Assistant of lecturer Helping the lecture by tutoring for subjects Experiment Psychology and Research Method ?? III in Universitas Surabaya Assistant of lecturer Helping the lecture by tutoring for subjects Experiment Psychology and Research Method ?? III in Universitas Surabaya Middle Assistant of lecturer Asisten Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Cibubur Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya C ?? February March
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- Publié le Oct 24, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 38.3kB