Dada surrealism and romania a bibliography 1

No Number From Dada to Infra-noir Dada Surrealism and Romania Dada Surrealism ISSN - Article Dada Surrealism and Romania A Bibliography Timothy Shipe University of Iowa Copyright ? Timothy Shipe Recommended Citation Shipe Timothy Dada Surrealism and Romania A Bibliography Dada Surrealism n pag Web Hosted by Iowa Research Online This Bibliography is brought to you for free and open access by Iowa Research Online It has been accepted for inclusion in Dada Surrealism by an authorized administrator of Iowa Research Online For more information please contact lib- ir uiowa edu CDada Surrealism and Romania A Bibliography Timothy Shipe This selective bibliography of Dada surrealism and Romania is intended primarily for Anglophone and Francophone readers Primary texts in Romanian are included but secondary literature is generally limited to books in English and French except where there is a dearth of material on a particular writer or artist The focus is on monographic publications articles being included only very selectively The reviews associated with Dada and surrealism in Romania are listed chronologically by initial year of publication Similarly under each author primary literature is listed by year of ?rst publication For proli ?c authors and those whose Dada or surrealist connections diminished later in life the listing of primary literature is more selective after Secondary literature is listed alphabetically by author or editor and exhibition catalogs are listed chronologically Except where noted all citations are for print publications Reviews Associated with Romanian Dada and Surrealism Simbolul Ed Tristan Tzara Ion Vinea and Marcel Janco as S Samyro I Iovanaki and Marcel Iancu numbers Chemarea ?rst series Ed Ion Vinea numbers Contimporanul Ed Ion Vinea numbers ?? HP Ed Victor Brauner and Ilarie Voronca number Oct Facsim rpt Paris Jean-Michel Place Punct Ed Scarlat Callimachi numbers ?? Facsim rpt Bucharest ICARE Integral Ed Ilarie Voronca numbers ?? Urmuz Ed Geo Bogza numbers Unu Ed Sa a Pan ? numbers ?? Title in most issues printed all lower- case unu Alge Ed Aureliu Baranga Series numbers Series numbers Pula Ed Gherasim Luca Paul P ?un S Jules Perahim and Aureliu Baranga number Oct Dada Surrealism No CDada Surrealism No Muci Ed Aureliu Baranga S Jules Perahim Gherasim Luca Paul P ?un and Sesto Pals number Feb Liceu Ed Virgil Teodorescu numbers Via ?a imediat ? Ed Geo Bogza number Dec General Monographs Benson Timothy O and Éva Forgács eds Between Worlds A Sourcebook of Central European Avant-gardes ?? Los Angeles Los Angeles County Museum of Art Cambridge MIT P C? rneci Magda Bucure ti anii ?? ? ntre avangard ? i modernism Bucharest in the s ?? s Between Avant- garde and Modernism Bucharest Simetria Uniunea Arhitec ?ilor din Rom? nia Cernat Paul Avangarda rom? neasc ? i complexul periferiei Bucharest Cartea Rom? neasc ? Critic ? istorie literar ? Colona Florin Revizit? nd avangarda Ed Petri or Militaru Craiova Aius Avangard ? transdisciplinaritate Crohm ?lniceanu Ovid S Evreii ? n mi carea de avangard ? rom? neasc ? Bucharest Hasefer David Emilia

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