Modders guide by Derek Kael Paxton version Table of Contents CORE CONCEPTS What is Modding What has changed since Civilization IV Modular Design XML Schema Understanding References XML File Structure SQL Viewing the database SQL Examples Lua The Relations

by Derek Kael Paxton version Table of Contents CORE CONCEPTS What is Modding What has changed since Civilization IV Modular Design XML Schema Understanding References XML File Structure SQL Viewing the database SQL Examples Lua The Relationship between XML and LUA References Scripting Events CREATING A MOD ModBuddy Creating a Mod Organizing Your Project CThe Modders Guide to Civilization V - Page Mod Properties Creating an Object Updating an Object Deleting an Object How to Add Text How to Add a Civilization How to Add an Icon How to Add A Leader How to Add A Trait How to Add A Unit How to Change the Unit Art De ?nes How to Add A Building How to Modify a Building How to Remove a Resource How to Disable Unit Icons with Lua How to Use InGameUIAddin to create modular UI changes How to Add a new screen with Lua WorldBuilder Saving a Map from Civilization V Adding the Map to your Mod Publishing your Mod Exclusivity Troubleshooting Database log Lua log DESIGN PHILOSOPHY Build the Game You Want to Play Avoiding the Design Pitfalls The Danger of More The Danger of Flavor The Danger of Patterns The Danger of Complexity The Process of Mod Building Writing your Design Document Economics Choice under Scarcity When in Doubt Trust Firaxis Prioritizing and Saying No Building a Team When to Release CCore Concepts The Modders Guide to Civilization V - Page What is Modding Modding is a slang expression for modifying hardware or software to do something di ?erent than the designer intended Firaxis developed Civilization V and earlier versions with modders in mind A mod could be as simple as tweaking the costs of some units and buildings changing the AI so that it plays di ?erently or adding a new civilization to the game Or it could be as complex as a total conversion mod that creates a new game on the Civilization engine This document was written to help modders get a jump start on modding Civilization V by helping to communicate what's possible learn the technical issues and get modders as quickly as possible from coming up with a mod idea to publishing their own mod Although this document covers a wide range of mod concepts it doesn't cover everything that can be done with Civ In particular source code mods and d art changes aren't covered in this document What has changed since Civilization IV Many games are moddable but Civilization IV set a new standard by designing the game from the ground up with modability in mind The game database XML was editable with a text editor a scripting language python was included so players could create their own events and functions and the source code for the core DLL could be edited with a C compiler This made Civilization IV more than a game it's a foundation for modding As open and powerful as this engine was there were signi ?cant limitations Mods were di ?cult

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  • Publié le Apv 08, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 256.4kB