Dimboble fake guide 1 H The Poppy Stories by Avi c A Teaching Guide C A Introducing Poppy and Friends a Newbery Medal winner Avi demonstrates his mastery of the animal fantasy genre with his critically acclaimed Poppy stories Enjoyed both in classrooms an

H The Poppy Stories by Avi c A Teaching Guide C A Introducing Poppy and Friends a Newbery Medal winner Avi demonstrates his mastery of the animal fantasy genre with his critically acclaimed Poppy stories Enjoyed both in classrooms and by families reading together the sweet adventures of Poppy Ragweed Rye Ereth and Junior resonate with readers of many ages The universal hopes dreams and troubles of these characters invite discussion and further exploration as the books provide a meaningful and fun reading experience ??an experience that is meant to be shared Follow Ragweed as he leaves his home looking for adventure Poppy as she risks her life for others and Rye as he ?nds his true value Grow to love Ereth despite his cantankerous irritability and laugh at Ragweed Junior for his rebellious teenage talk Savor each of the six books in the series as you travel the paths through Dimwood Forest H c A Guide to Teaching Avi ? s Poppy Stories C Before Reading Dimwood Forest is home to golden mice deer mice porcupines horned owls red foxes beavers deer ?shers voles badgers skunks bats and a cinnamon brown bear and her cub While the Poppy stories lead us into the hearts and minds of these characters they also let us learn about the animals ? real lives as forest dwellers Ask students to research one of the animals from the Poppy stories Responses should include a description of the animal ? s habitat diet life span reproduction predators and any other fascinating facts Themes for Discussion The World of Fantasy Fantasy stories enthrall us when they are rich and believable Why do you care about the animals in the Poppy stories What are your favorite fantasy stories What makes them believable What have you learned about yourself and about being human from fantasy stories What Makes a Hero Why do we have heroes Are heroes relevant today Lloyd Alexander ? s fantasy character Taran says that ??every man is a hero if he strives more for others than for himself alone ? Do you agree How do you de ?ne a hero Which characters from the Poppy stories ?t your de ?nition Which other characters from literature are heroes Being True to Yourself Even at a young age the characters in the Poppy stories must discover their passions and ?nd out about the world on their own They question authority follow their hearts stand up for what they believe in and face overwhelming challenges Discuss what it means to be true to yourself What are your passions What dreams do you hope to follow Love and Friendship Throughout the Poppy stories characters face challenges ??but not without the love and encouragement of their family and friends Can one person alone accomplish great things or do even heroes need a network of support Write down an accomplishment that gives you great pride Was it reached alone or with the help of others Identify how love and or

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