Tobi written judeo arabic colloquial vs middle arabic
Middle Arabic and Mixed Arabic Diachrony and Synchrony Edited by Liesbeth Zack and Arie Schippers LEIDEN ? ? ? BOSTON ? Koninklijke Brill NV ISBN CCONTENTS List of Illustrations ? vii Acknowledgements ? ix Introduction Middle and Mixed Arabic A New Trend in Arabic Studies ? Johannes den Heijer Moyen arabe et variétés mixtes de l ? arabe premier essai de bibliographie Supplément no ? Jérôme Lentin Some Remarks about Middle Arabic and Sa adya Gaon ? s Arabic Translation of the Pentateuch in Manuscripts of Jewish Samaritan Coptic Christian and Muslim Provenance ? Berend Jan Dikken Linguistic and Cultural Features of an Iraqi Judeo-Arabic Text of the qi ?a ? al- anbiy ? Genre ? Lutz Edzard Deux types de moyen arabe dans la version arabe du discours de Grégoire de Nazianze ?? ? Jacques Grand ? Henry Présentation du livre Le Conte du Portefaix et des Trois Jeunes Femmes dans le manuscrit de Galland XIVe ??XVe siècles ? Bruno Hal ants Judeo-Arabic as a Mixed Language ? Benjamin Hary The Story of Zayd and Ka l ? ??A Folk Story in a Judaeo-Arabic Manuscript ? Rachel Hasson Kenat ? Koninklijke Brill NV ISBN Cvi contents Towards an Inventory of Middle and Mixed Arabic Features The Inscriptions of Deir Mar Musa Syria as a Case Study ? Johannes den Heijer Qui est arabophone Les variétés de l ? arabe dans la déf ?inition d ? une compétence native ? Amr Helmy Ibrahim Perspectives ecdotiques pour textes en moyen arabe ?? L ? exemple des traités théologiques de Sulaym ?n al- ?azz ? Paolo La Spisa Normes orthographiques en moyen arabe ?? Sur la notation du vocalisme bref ? Jérôme Lentin Playing the Same Game Notes on Comparing Spoken Contemporary Mixed Arabic and Pre Modern Written Middle Arabic ? Gunvor Mejdell Middle Arabic in Moshe Dar ? s Judaeo-Arabic Poems ? Arie Schippers Written Judeo-Arabic Colloquial versus Middle Arabic ? Yosef Tobi Yefet ben Eli ? s Commentary on the Book of Zechariah ? Kees de Vreugd Damascus Arabic According to the Compendio of Lucas Caballero Otto Zwartjes and Manfred Woidich List of Contributors ? Index ? ? Koninklijke Brill NV ISBN CWRITTEN JUDEO -ARABIC COLLOQUIAL VERSUS MIDDLE ARABIC Yosef Tobi Summary Medieval Judeo-Arabic MWJA was written with Hebrew characters and used for the Judeo-Arabic literature shared by all Jewish scholars in the domain of medieval Arab-Muslim culture Its status was like that of literary Classical Arabic among the Muslim Arabic speakers However MWJA had never been a living spoken language and its life did not extend beyond four or f ?ive hundred years tenth ??f ?ifteenth centuries Yet Arabic continued to function as a spoken language Its numerous dialects also served as a written communicative vehicle and for literature in various genres This is true in regard to medieval Judeo-Arabic opposed to the notion that MWJA of the school of Sa adya was the only one used by Jews in the Middle Ages Actually colloquial Judeo-Arabic has existed as
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- Publié le Jan 16, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 104.6kB