Edgar wind x27 s self translations philosophical genealogies and political implications of a cultural theoretical tradition

Year Zurich Open Repository and Archive University of Zurich Main Library Strickhofstrasse CH- Zurich www zora uzh ch Edgar Wind ? s Self-Translations philosophical genealogies and political implications of a cultural-theoretical tradition Targia Giovanna DOI https doi org Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive University of Zurich ZORA URL https doi org uzh- Book Section Published Version Originally published at Targia Giovanna Edgar Wind ? s Self-Translations philosophical genealogies and political implications of a cultural-theoretical tradition In Costa Maria Teresa H? nes Hans Christian Migrating histories of art self- translations of a discipline Berlin De Gruyter - DOI https doi org CEDGAR WIND ? S SELF-TRANSLATIONS PHILOSOPHICAL GENEALOGIES AND POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF A CULTURAL-THEORETICAL TRADITION Giovanna Targia In the German publishing house B G Teubner printed the ?rst volume of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliographie zum Nachleben der Antike edited by the Bibliothek Warburg ill In fact it turned out to be the very last episode of an intense collaboration formally dissolved in the last days of December For more than ten years Teubner had been publishing the series of Studien and Vortr? ge der Bibliothek Warburg edited by Fritz Saxl By that time the publisher already had volumes of the monographic Studien and nine volumes of Vortr? ge ?? annual lectures held at the Warburg Library in Hamburg until ?? in its catalogue as well as two volumes of Aby Warburg ? s Gesammelte Schriften edited by Gertrud Bing in dramatic circumstances in the spring of A few months later the Warburg Library emigrated towards English shores and began to reorganize its activities and publications in London This transfer which for legal reasons had to look like a temporary relocation not a permanent exile seems to have been one of the motives for terminating the contract from Teubner ? s side At the same time the English edition of the ?rst volume of A Bibliography on the Survival of the Classics was issued by the London publisher Cassell Co Ltd It appeared simultaneously with the German one printed in Germany and included as written on the frontispiece ill ? the text of the German edition with an English introduction ? edited by the Warburg Institute which had already become the new English name of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg Even at ?rst glance it does not appear as a mere translation of the German volume in a technical sense A comparison between the two frontispieces tells us that we are Edgar Wind ? s Self-Translations Authenticated targia gmail com author's copy Download Date AM C Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliographie zum Nachleben der Antike vol Leipzig and Berlin frontispiece dealing with a subtle delicate and sharp operation which was to mark continuity and a new beginning at the same time Opposite to the title page of the English Bibliography is reproduced the frontispiece of the German edition which also speci ?es the names of the three editors Hans Meier Richard Newald Edgar Wind as well as the collective character of the enterprise more

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