Topic Support Guide Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology
Topic Support Guide Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 For examination from 2017 Topic 17 Animation Task 2 – Shape tweening / morphing and using key frames In order to help us develop the highest quality Curriculum Support resources, we are undertaking a continuous programme of review; not only to measure the success of our resources but also to highlight areas for improvement and to identify new development needs. We invite you to complete our survey by visiting the website below. Your comments on the quality and relevance of Cambridge Curriculum Support resources are very important to us. Do you want to become a Cambridge consultant and help us develop support materials? Please follow the link below to register your interest. Cambridge International Examinations retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered Centres are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we cannot give permission to Centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within a Centre. © Cambridge International Examinations 2016 Version 1 3 Animation task – A space animation Part 2. Shape tweening / morphing and using key frames Inserting a key frame On the space background layer insert a key frame at frame 100. What this will do is fill each frame with a copy of the first frame, which contains the background with the text. To do this you will need to make sure that you are inserting the key frame into the background layer. Then select frame 100 and right mouse click. You will see a long menu as show in the screenshot below. You need to select insert key frame. Tip: Be careful not to select “blank key frame”. It is easily done in error. Once you have done this you will notice that all the frames from one to 100 will be filled in with the background. You can test this by getting hold of the play head which is the red line which goes vertically across the layers and clicking and dragging it over the frames. Play head 4 Creating a shape tween on the sun In the sun layer insert a new key frame at 60 frames. You will then see a replica of frame one. Use the selection tool and select the small sun which is in the bottom left hand corner. Delete this circle shape. Tip: Animation software often draws the outline of a shape separate to the actual shape. Be careful to delete both the circle and the outline. For the next step we are going to draw a new larger sun in the top right hand corner. In this example the new sun’s colour has also been changed from yellow to orange. The reason for this is we are going to perform a shape tween. This means that the animation software will morph the sun from the first shape (the small yellow sun) to the second, by creating all the frames in between frame one and frame 60. This is a very useful feature of animation software as the 58 frames in between are created for us automatically. Within the 58 frames the animation software will also resize the shape frame by frame to allow the sun to morph from one shape to the other smoothly. Below is a screenshot showing frame 60. The original sun which was on the left has been deleted, and the new sun is in place on the top right in a different colour. 5 To finally get the animation software to perform a shape tween you will need to select one of the frames in between one and 60. In the picture below frame 30 has been selected. You will then need to right mouse click and select Create Shape Tween from the menu. If you move the play head backwards and forwards you will be able to see the animation frame by frame. Tip: Take care not to select one of the other tweens such as classic or motion. We will be using them later in the project. Once these steps have been completed, you will notice that the sun layer now has a long solid arrow pointing from frame one to frame 60. This indicates that the shape tween has been successfully applied. Tip: If the line is broken this indicates there is an issue and you will need to repeat the steps again. If you fail to troubleshoot the problem, as a beginner it can sometimes be less time consuming to delete the layer and then follow the instructions again. Congratulations you have just completed you first shape tween! 6 To play the animation you have two choices. You can click on the control tab then select play, as in the screenshot below. However, if the red play head is at the end of the animation you may have to click on rewind first. As playing the animation is a very common requirement there are usually buttons to perform this task in most animation software. In Adobe Animate they are located below the timeline. It is good practice to play each part of your animation as you build it. This will allow you to troubleshoot any issues before you move onto the next stage. Now save your work. uploads/Litterature/ guide-2.pdf
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