Essay writing references mhra method

Essay-writing References Whenever you refer to any critical or supporting text you must acknowledge your source If you take a particular idea or phrase or whole sentence from a published source be it in printed form or on the Internet you must give cite the source in a reference Any quotation should be placed within quotation marks and a precise reference given A reference should be given for a mention of someone else ? s ideas as well as for quotations If you are in any doubt about the extent to which you have borrowed ideas or phrases it is better to cite the source again with a precise reference see below If you do not follow this advice you might seem to be trying to pass o ? someone else ? s work as your own which constitutes plagiarism Deliberate plagiarism is an o ?ence which is penalised It should be emphasised however that the purpose of giving references or citations is not simply so that you can avoid suspicion of plagiarism Rather referencing your work is academic good practice which acknowledges the extent to which you have learned from other people ? s work while at the same time making clear what are your own ideas and arguments In principle providing references enables your reader to track back to your sources not only to check them which may be the case for a teacher marking your work but more generally to consult the source and learn from it In fact referencing becomes increasingly important as you progress through your academic studies and becomes even more vital if you move on to research There are many ways of presenting your references and you can use any as long as you use one set of rules or conventions in a way that is internally consistent You will ?nd for example that referencing conventions di ?er according to the country of origin of a publication or even from one publisher to another However broadly speaking there are two basic types of reference which you are likely to encounter the ?rst of which is usually preferred in work relating to the humanities which includes the ?elds of language literature and history The other method is typically used in work with a social sciences orientation which includes applied linguistics anthropology political science MHRA method Some basic principles and a few brief examples will su ?ce here so for more detail please consult the fairly authoritative MHRA style guide A Handbook for Authors Editors and Writers of Theses published by the Modern Humanities Research Association London and available in bookshops In all of the following examples you should pay particular attention to the punctuation as the placing of brackets commas and full stops is part of the convention The title of a book or journal is always given in italics e g Madame Bovary French Studies while the title of a journal article or a chapter in a book is given in roman script

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