Far eastern history the so

Far Eastern History ERNST WOLFF OLDERBIBLIOGRAPH ES W TH THE W O R D ??Asian ? or ??Oriental ? in their titles often disappoint by covering only or predominantly the ??Near ? or ?? O l d Orient However since the Far East has come appreciably closer to the rest of the world in the more recent past particularly since World War even general historical bibliographies such as the International Bibliography of Historical Sciences I the Foreign A ?airs Bibliography and the American Historical Association ? s Guide to Historical Literature have chapters concerning the Far East that command the respect and attention of areaspecialist historians As the Far East in general has put itself on the map bibliographically so has the history of the Far East as a particular ?eld of historical science in its own rights In the past historical bibliography of the Far East particularly of Western literature on the Far East was mostly part and parcel of the Sinologist ? s all-encompassing concerns The Sinologist generally saw classical Chinese philology and philosophy as the acme of his mktier and history merely as a basic prerequisite He preferred antiquity and disdained modern topics However this attitude is of the past The old Sinological concept which is still purposely followed in Herbert Franke ? s Sirwlogie and which we may detect in Henri Cordier ? s Bibliotheca ISinica supplement with Confucius and Mencius ?guring large in the section ??Historical Biography ? is no longer evident in T ? ung-li Yuan ? s China in Western Literature and John Lust ? s Index Sinicus both works actually continuing Cordier the former for monographs the latter for periodical articles but both set up in a modern streamlined manner where history is history adequately subdivided and organized into periods and as topical as possible As far as Japan is concerned Cordier had also provided a Biblio- Ernst Wolf is Consultant in Asian Bibliography University of Illinois Library APRIL CERNST WOLFF theca Japonica in but modern comprehensive bibliography of Western literature on Japan began with Wenckstern and Nachod lo who established a kind of German hegemony in this ?eld that ended only with the Second World War The work has never thereafter been resumed on that scale and from then on the annual non-cumulative bibliographies like those published by the Kyoto University or the Association for Asian Studies will have to serve the purpose As to Korea the development was very similar namely from the old ??Sinological ? Courant bibliography the Bibliographie Core ? enne - l to the Gompertz compilation in Volume of the Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society which calls itself First Section of a Bibliography of Western Literature on Korea from the Earliest Times until based on Horace H Underwood ? s A Partial Bibliography of Occidental Literature on Korea from Early Times t o Seoul Korea and and presumably also on the Library of Congress compilation Korea an Annotated Bibliography of P u

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