Greek and roman drama 3 GREEK AND ROMAN DRAMA Introductory Bibliography Starting Points Further bibliography will be made available on Blackboard and in lectures Beacham R C The Roman Theatre and its Audience London Routledge Boyle A J An Introduction to
GREEK AND ROMAN DRAMA Introductory Bibliography Starting Points Further bibliography will be made available on Blackboard and in lectures Beacham R C The Roman Theatre and its Audience London Routledge Boyle A J An Introduction to Roman Tragedy London Routledge available online Dover K J Aristophanic Comedy London Batsford Easterling P E ed The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy Cambridge Cambridge University Press available online Fontaine M A C Scafuro eds The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy Oxford Oxford University Press Goldhill S Reading Greek Tragedy Cambridge Cambridge University Press available online Lowe N J Comedy Cambridge Cambridge University Press McDonald M and Walton J M eds The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Theatre Cambridge Cambridge University Press available online Robson J Aristophanes An Introduction London Bristol Classical Press Sharrock A Reading Roman Comedy Poetics and Playfulness in Plautus and Terence Cambridge Cambridge University Press available online Silk M S Aristophanes and the De ?nition of Comedy Oxford Oxford University Press available online C
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- Publié le Jul 28, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 29.1kB