Volpe contributionfrancetobrazilianmusicology rdm103 2 2017 1
Tome n Un siècle de musicologie en France Histoire intellectuelle de la Revue de musicologie Volume sous la direction d ? Yves Balmer et Hervé Lacombe C CRevue de musicologie Tome ? no p - The Contribution of France to Brazilian Musicology Between Interdisciplinarity and Musicologie Tout Court Maria Alice Volpe French musicology had a key role in the process of institutionalization of Brazilian musicology in the university during the s as Brazilian prominent ?gures had untaken their studies at French institutions between the s and s Régis Duprat Gerard Béhague ?? Flavio Silva and José Maria Neves ?? During those decades France ?? ?? ??more than Germany Italy Portugal Spain or the United States ?? ?? ??was the center where Brazilian students sought for specialized training in musicology The Franchophile in uence in Brazil has proved to be as strong in music research as it has been in so many ?elds That long-lasting in uence dates from the French Artistic Mission gaining force and spreading in many ?elds throughout the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century and persisting in the outcomes of the cutting-edge French Mission for the foundation of the University of São Paulo See Lilia Moritz Schwarcz O Sol do Brasil Nicolas-Antoine Taunay e as Desventuras dos Artistas Franceses na Corte de D João São Paulo Companhia das Letras Among the many French in uences in Brazil during the nineteenth- century one may mention Comte ? s positivism Gobineau ? s racial theory and Taine ? mesologism See José Luis Petruccelli ??Doutrinas francesas e o pensamento racial brasileiro ?? ? in Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura pp ?? online http r ufrrj br esa V ojs index php esa article viewFile accessed Sept By late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Brazilian society also experienced its belle époque having art nouveau highly spread in urban culture See Je ?rey D Needel A Tropical Belle Epoque Elite Culture and Society in Turn-Of-TheCentury Rio de Janeiro Cambridge Cambridge University Press The impact of biological and racial determinism in Brazilian music historiography has been discussed by Maria Alice Volpe ??National Identity in Brazilian Music Historiography ? in Indianismo and Landscape in the Brazilian Age of Progress Art Music from Carlos Gomes to Villa-Lobos s- s PhD diss The University of Texas at Austin Ann Arbor Michigan UMI Research Press See Patrick Petitjean ??As miss? es universitárias francesas na criação da Universidade de São Paulo ?? ? in Amélia I Hamburguer ed A ciência nas relaç? es Brasil-França CMaria Alice Volpe In such a Francophile context and marked interest for the French human sciences the French Society of Musicology SFM and its journal Revue de Musicologie Rdm did not ful ?ll the same coalescing function to Franco-Brazilian musicological relations As much as the SFM had been a central organization for the implantation of musicology in France and its networking with the international musicological world during the s and s it seems that SFM relinquished its fully international potential in the decades after the Second World War
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- Publié le Mai 27, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 100.5kB