Guide 91 Writing CSU Writing Guide Using Descriptive Detail This Writing Guide was downloaded from the Writing CSU website at Colorado State University on September at AM You can view the guide at https writing colostate edu guides guide cfm guideid Copyr

Writing CSU Writing Guide Using Descriptive Detail This Writing Guide was downloaded from the Writing CSU website at Colorado State University on September at AM You can view the guide at https writing colostate edu guides guide cfm guideid Copyright information and a citation can be found at the end of this document Introduction T his guide will explore the various uses and applications of description Its purpose is to demonstrate the e ?ectiveness of writing which includes descriptive details De ?nition of Descriptive Detail Uses of Descriptive Detail Types of Descriptive Detail A De ?nition of Descriptive Detail Descriptive details allow sensory recreations of experiences objects or imaginings In other words description encourages a more concrete or sensory experience of a subject one which allows the reader to transport himself or herself into a scene Writing that lacks description is in danger of being plain or overly general CUses of Descriptive Detail There are many di ?erent uses of descriptive detail Although most commonly associated with creative writing description enhances a wide variety of subjects Writing which e ?ectively uses descriptive detail will allow a reader to do more than merely see words on a page Original description gives writing a sense of honesty and believability while concise details can help enhance your focus Descriptive details cause a reader to feel to hear to taste to become intimately connected with the images and experiences being recreated Fiction Poetry Narrative Essay Persuasive Writing Summary Response Fiction Cara McDonald GTA - Department of English Look Your reader is a bored tired little person maybe sitting at a bus stop Take care of them Transport them Let them smell your mom's co ?ee let them see the ugly owers on that dress you had to wear on the ?rst day of Sunday School Mary Kate Perry GTA - Department of English One of my favorite ways of explaining the importance of vivid description in ?ction writing is E L Doctorow's Not that it's raining but the feel of being rained upon You don't tell your reader that it's rainy because they won't care They won't identify You have to make them care through speaking to their senses We perceive the world through our senses In ?ction writing it is important to make your scenes and characters as vivid as possible One way this can be accomplished is through the inclusion of descriptive details Fiction which incorporates original sensory description Chas the power to actively involve and a ?ect the reader Without such details ?ction is in danger of becoming listless or at Description is equally as important as dialogue and plot in moving forward the action of a story Poetry Natalie Goldberg Wild Mind William Carlos Williams wrote a poem about standing by the water tap in his kitchen and waiting for it to freshen You know city water sometimes it comes out rusty and you wait for it to run clean I've done it but I've never thought about it until

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