Harwood study guide PRELIMINARY ENGLISH ADVANCED AREA OF STUDY BREAKING FREE POETRY OF GWEN HARWOOD CSyllabus Context Area of Study Breaking Free In the Area of Study students explore and examine relationships between language and text and interrelationsh
PRELIMINARY ENGLISH ADVANCED AREA OF STUDY BREAKING FREE POETRY OF GWEN HARWOOD CSyllabus Context Area of Study Breaking Free In the Area of Study students explore and examine relationships between language and text and interrelationships among texts They examine closely the individual qualities of texts while considering the texts ? relationships to the wider context of the Area of Study They synthesise ideas to clarify meaning and develop new meanings They take into account whether aspects such as context purpose and register text structures stylistic features grammatical features and vocabulary are appropriate to the particular text Area of Study Breaking Free Students will explore the Area of Study Breaking Free through an exploration of the prescribed novels They will consider the social historical and personal circumstances from which some individuals seek freedom This could include physical and metaphorical constraints which require individuals to make choices Students will consider how and why individuals react to their circumstances and the choices they make to challenge resist or conform They will investigate a range of texts relating to this topic in terms of how textual features represent aspects of this concept They will compose a range of critical and imaginative texts in response to the topic Students will need to consider their prescribed text and other related texts of their own choosing Prescribed Texts Harwood Gwen Selected Poems A New Edition Halycon Press ISBN ? Alter Ego ? ? The Glass Jar ? ? At Mornington ? ? Prize-Giving ? ? Father and Child Parts I II ? ? The Violets ? Anthology of short stories INTRODUCTION CONTEXTUALISING GWEN HARWOOD Biographical information Born at Taringa Queensland Gwen Harwood was raised in Brisbane Her wide-ranging interests include literature philosophy and music ?? she was organist at All Saints Church in Brisbane In the poet married William Harwood an academic linguist and moved albeit reluctantly to Tasmania It was there that she found her lifelong passion for the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein The philosopher ? s in uence colours Harwood ? s entire ? opus ? An early poem appeared in Meanjin her poems stories critical essays and reviews have appeared regularly in a diversity of Australian journals since the early s ? She has written libretti for composers Larry Sitsky James Penberthy Don Kay and Ian Cugley as well as other occasional words for music Beginning from her ??deep inner necessity to realise in words the moments that gave my life meaning ? Harwood came to believe conversely with Wittgenstein in ??the power of poetry to infuse experience with value ? The distinctive and impressive poetry which has emerged from these beliefs has led to an increasing critical and popular attention ? Harwood ? s ?rst volume called simply Poems appeared in Since then there have been only one and a half more books ?? Poems Volume tow in and Selected Poems in Gwen Harwood made her debut when she was forty-three married and the mother of four children Harwood ? s honours include
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- Publié le Dec 30, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 115.4kB