History and phase diagram stannum
History Etymology Tin is one of the oldest metals known by man There are domestic utensils and arms made of brass copper with about of tin dating from BC The Phoenicians had a very important role in the spread of brass utensils due to its commercial trades with Britain Spain and the Middle East The Tin of the Bible ? ? ? ? kassiteros in the Greek version corresponds to the Hebrew ? ? bdil which is really a Copper alloy known as early as BC in Egypt And Elea'zar the priest said unto the men of war which went to the battle This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD commanded Moses only the gold and the silver the brass the iron the tin and the lead every thing that may abide the ?re ye shall make it go through the ?re and it shall be clean nevertheless it shall be puri ?ed with the water of separation and all that abideth not the ?re ye shall make go through the water Numbers The Greeks imported Tin from the Casseterides Tin islands islands in the West The precise location of the Cassiterides or tin islands is unknown but it is suggested they are the British Isles The most important ore of Tin is Tin oxide Cassiterite SnO A specimen from Cornwall is illustrated here The importance of tin to the Greeks was its immense value in alloying copper which was mined from ancient times in Cyprus Copper by itself is very di ?cult to cast but with the addition of about ten percent of tin it ows nicely in the molten state and has greater hardness than copper The Bronze Age was dependent on tin from its very inception From Pliny ? s writings it appears that the Romans in his time did not realize the distinction between Tin and Lead He referred to Tin as plumbum album white lead to distinguish it from Lead which was calledplumbum nigrum black lead Pliny referred to the existence of Tin and Lead alloys what we now know as solder as well as recipients of tinned copper He wrote that the best mirrors were made at Brundisium from a mixture of Copper and stagnum By the Romans the term stannum was mostly used for an alloy of Lead and Silver obtained in the winning of Silver Not until the sixth century was it applied to Tin but thereafter was commonly used in this sense CBy the early Greek alchemists the metal was named Hermes but at about the beginning of the th century it was termed Zeus or Jupiter It was also referred to as diabolus metallorum devil among metals on account of the brittle alloys which it formed In astrology alchemy the seven heavenly bodies known to the ancients were associated with seven metals also known in antiquity Chemistianity Tinstone Tin Dioxide found in Mines and Streams In Cornwall produces Bar- and Grain-Tin It is our only native source
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- Publié le Mai 04, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 64.9kB