Jasp guide An Introduction to JASP A Free and User-Friendly Statistics Package James Bartlett Introduction What is JASP JASP is a free open-source alternative to SPSS that allows you to perform both simple and complex analyses in a user-friendly package T
An Introduction to JASP A Free and User-Friendly Statistics Package James Bartlett Introduction What is JASP JASP is a free open-source alternative to SPSS that allows you to perform both simple and complex analyses in a user-friendly package The aim is to allow you to conduct complex Classical stu ? with p values and Bayesian analyses What the hell is Bayesian statistics you might ask look in appendix if you are interested but have the advantage of a drag-and-drop interface that is intuitive to use Why JASP Although many universities predominantly use SPSS it is extremely expensive which means you probably cannot use it unless you are a ?liated with a university JASP is a free open-source alternative that aims to give you a simple and user-friendly output making it ideal for students who are still getting to grips with data-analysis in psychology Here are just a few bene ?ts of using JASP E ?ect sizes E ?ect sizes are one of the most important values to report when analysing data However despite many papers and an APA task force in no one ever listens explaining their importance SPSS only o ?ers a limited number of e ?ect size options and many simple e ?ect sizes are required to be calculated manually On the other hand JASP allows you to simply tick a box to provide an e ?ect size for each test Continuously updated output Imagine you have gone through all of the menus in SPSS to realise you forgot to click one option that you wanted to be included in the output You would have to go back through the menus and select that one option and rerun the whole analysis printing it below the ?rst output This looks incredibly messy and takes a lot of time In JASP all of the options and results are presented on the same screen If you want another option to be presented all you have to do is tick a box and the results are updated in seconds Minimalist design For each statistical test SPSS provides every value you will ever need and more This can be very confusing when you are getting to grips with statistics and you can easily report the wrong value In JASP the aim is minimalism You start o ? with the bare bones result and you have the option to select additional information if and when you need it Using JASP How to download JASP Today you will opening JASP through the software portal but you can download it yourself for free on their website for either Windows OSX or Linux if that ? s your thing Installing it should be pretty straightforward just follow the instructions it provides you After installing it and opening the program you will ?nd the Welcome to JASP window shown in Figure CFigure JASP startup window Entering data in JASP The ?rst di ?erence you will ?nd between SPSS and JASP is how you enter data In SPSS you
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- Publié le Oct 21, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 79kB