Klotz enim 3 p67 75 Institut d ? égyptologie François Daumas UMR Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes ? Cnrs ?? Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III Two Curious Orthographies for Khepri David Klotz Citer cet article D Klotz Two Curious Orthographie
Institut d ? égyptologie François Daumas UMR Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes ? Cnrs ?? Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III Two Curious Orthographies for Khepri David Klotz Citer cet article D Klotz Two Curious Orthographies for Khepri ? ENIM p - ENiM ?? Une revue d ? égyptologie sur internet est librement téléchargeable depuis le site internet de l ? équipe Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne ? de l ? UMR Archéologie des sociétés méditerranéennes ? http recherche univ- montp fr egyptologie enim CTwo Curious Orthographies for Khepri David Klotz Institute for the Study of the Ancient World New York University THE MONUMENTAL bookshelf-bending Lexikon der ? gyptischen G? tter und G? tterbezeichnungen edited by Christian Leitz et al hereafter LGG has contributed enormously to the study of Egyptian religion and lexicography Nonetheless while perusing temple publications one occasionally encounters problematic epithets not recorded by the LGG either because the precise reading was uncertain a phrase was not considered an epithet or variants of the same name were not recognized In comparison to the host of creative orthographies for divine names in the Graeco-Roman period it would appear that scribes were less inspired by the important god Khepri since his name is almost always written with the scarab However context and parallels suggest that the following epithets are surprisingly odd orthographies of Khepri In one of the hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple a seemingly unique orthography of the name Khepri occurs in the sequence ??Amun-Re-Horakhty-Atum-Khepri ? example Although the translation is con ?rmed by at least thirteen parallels the exact reasons for this reading remain mysterious Over the years additional variants have come to light none of which appear to have been discussed previously Edfou IV - In a scene of o ?ering the wesekh-collar the king describes the object as follows ??it is called Khepri together with his children k ?? tw ??f ? pr m- ?b Ú ?? w ??f ? One might initially For one example see recently Chr THIERS ??Le ciel septentrional ghr t et le ciel méridional gb t ? ENiM p - E g S SAUNERON L ? Écriture ?gurative dans les textes d ? Esna Esna VIII M -Th DERCHAIN-URTEL ??Die Namen der G? tter ? in W Clarysse et al ed Egyptian Religion the Last Thousand Years I OLA p - M MINAS -NERPEL Der Gott Chepri Untersuchungen zu Schriftzeugnissen und ikonographischen Quellen vom Alten Reich bis in griechisch-r? mische Zeit OLA LGG V s v ? pr N de G DAVIES The Temple of Hibis in el-Khargeh Oasis III The Decoration MMAEE pl reg II col D KLOTZ Adoration of the Ram Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple YES p n A D KLOTZ Adoration of the Ram pl For a recent discussion of these types of scenes see F COPPENS The Wabet Tradition and Innovation in Temples of the Ptolemaic and Roman Period p - C David Klotz suggest reading the divine name as ??Atum ? deriving ? Itm from
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- Publié le Aoû 15, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
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