Pcsx2 first time setup and configuration 1 document source

PCSX - Con ?guration Guide Contents PCSX First Time Setup and Con ?guration First Time Setup Language Selection Plugin Selection BIOS Selection Post-Setup Con ?guration Multi-Threaded VU MTVU Speci ?c game solutions General solutions PCSX First Time Setup and Con ?guration This guide will walk through the initial setup process of PCSX and the basics of con ?guration Note While this document is using Windows screenshots you can still follow this guide for Linux Document Source CPCSX - Con ?guration Guide First Time Setup The ?rst time you launch PCSX you will be prompted with a First Time Con ?guration wizard Language Selection You may choose to change the UI language of PCSX here Figure PCSX FirstTime Con ?guration png Note Translations may not be accurate or actively maintained by translators If you ?nd translation issues and want to ?x them yourself please get into contact with the PCSX team by opening a thread on the PCSX forums or an issue on GitHub Document Source CPCSX - Con ?guration Guide Plugin Selection Most users running on a modern PC will be able to continue normally here without changing any settings If you try to continue with setup and you get a warning that the GS plugin failed to load or was incompatible change the GS plugin from the default AVX option to the SSE option If the same issue occurs change the GS plugin from SSE to SSE If the issue persists your PC may be severely outdated and we recommend asking for help on the PCSX Forums If you have a custom plugin you may wish to add it to the default plugin folder Hit the ??Open in Explorer ? button to jump straight to the plugin folder If you are an advanced user or developer you may wish to change the plugin directory Uncheck the ??Use default setting ? box to do so Figure PCSX FirstTimeCon ?gurationplugins png Document Source CPCSX - Con ?guration Guide BIOS Selection PCSX will now ask you to provide your PS ? s BIOS dump Use the ??Open in Explorer ? button to open the BIOS folder and drop your BIOS ?les inside Then use the ??Refresh List ? button to show your BIOS in the list Click it then hit Finish Advanced users may wish to use a di erent folder for their BIOS you can do so by unchecking the ??Use default setting ? box and then hitting Browse to select a new folder Figure PCSX FirstTimeCon ?gurationbios png Post-Setup Con ?guration A large number of games work out-of-the-box on default PCSX settings However a subset of games require special settings to run and some games require special settings to be upscaled This guide will Document Source CPCSX - Con ?guration Guide brie y cover some frequent problems and con ?guration settings to address them Multi-Threaded VU MTVU The MTVU option is a unique case of a recommended setting that is not enabled by default MTVU boosts performance for PCs with

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  • Publié le Sep 18, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 42.1kB