R k narayan as a writer of tragicomedy

See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication R K Narayan as a Writer of Tragicomedy Thesis January DOI RG CITATIONS author Ishtiaq Ibne Alam University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh ULAB PUBLICATION CITATIONS SEE PROFILE READS Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects South Asian literature View project All content following this page was uploaded by Ishtiaq Ibne Alam on August The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded ?le CR K Narayan as a Writer of Tragicomedy Ishtiaq Ibne Alam Student ID Department of English and Humanities Fall CR K Narayan as a Writer of Tragicomedy A Thesis Submitted to The Department of English and Humanities University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh In Partial Ful ?llment of the Requirements for the Degree of BA in English and Humanities Ishtiaq Ibne Alam Student ID Kaiser Hamidul Haq Thesis Supervisor Fall CCERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL I hereby declare that this thesis is the student ? s own work and e ?ort All sources of information incorporated here have been duly acknowledged This thesis has been submitted with my approval Kaiser Hamidul Haq Professor and Dean Department of English and Humanities - - CDECLARATION This thesis is a presentation of my original research work Wherever contributions of others are involved every e ?ort is made to indicate this clearly with due reference to the literature and acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussions Ishtiaq Ibne Alam ID Department of English and Humanities - - CAcknowledgements I would like to thank my parents at ?rst well of course they deserve this because they are the reason that I am doing this My sincere gratitude is due to the authority of the Department of English and Humanities that provided me with the opportunity to conduct this research I am grateful to a number of individuals who have contributed in many ways towards the completion of this thesis Firstly I would like to express my profound gratitude and respect to my supervisor Kaiser Hamidul Haq Professor and Dean of DEH ULAB for giving me the permission to work with my selected topic and constant guidance and trust on me since the inception of the study Without his support it was never possible for me to work with the subject matter I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the faculty members of the Department of English and Humanities for their unconditional help and support I would like to thank my friends Nayan and Atickur for their genuine concern good advice and encouragement Again I acknowledge those scholars whose materials I have collected from di ?erent sources and used after certain modi ?cation in this paper I would like to thank my family for giving unconditional support and love throughout my life that encourages me to go forward CTable of Contents Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Literature Review ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter The Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter The Financial Expert ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter The Man-Eater of

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