Luc brisson luc brisson born 10 march 1946 in saint esprit quebec is a

Luc Brisson Luc Brisson born March in Saint-Esprit Quebec is a Canadian and from also French historian of philosophy and anthropologist of antiquity He is emeritus director of research at the CNRS in France and is considered by some of his colleagues and students to be the greatest contemporary scholar on Platonism Contents Life Works English Translations Original French Works Translations of Plato References External Links Luc Brisson Born March Saint-Esprit Quebec Canada Occupation Historian of philosophy Awards CNRS Bronze medal Honors Fellow of Lincean Academy and Royal Society of Canada Life Brisson was born in a small agricultural village in Québec in All his education was received in the ecclesiastically administered and sta ?ed schools seminaries and universities of Québec At the end of the sixties he joined the general movement of Québec students to Paris where he undertook a thesis on the Timaeus of Plato under the direction of Clémence Ramnoux at Paris X Nanterre During - he was a visiting scholar at Balliol College Oxford His studies include several years of Sanskrit Upon the completion of his Ph D thesis and through the support of Jean Pépin who shared his interest in the ancient treatment of myth Brisson was attached to the CNRS in In he was awarded the Zographos Prize for his systematic commentary on Timaeus Le Même et l ? Autre dans la structure ontologique du Timée de Platon Despite his wider philosophical interests he says that ??I can be de ?ned as ? an historian of philosophy ? whose domain of research is Plato and Platonism ? His historical work includes several studies of Neoplatonism including new French translations of Plotinus Brisson ? s range and quantity of publications has been very large but the topic of the relation between myth and reason has dominated At home neither in Québec nor in France Brisson feels himself to be a kind of Platonic ??nomad ? For him as for Pierre Hadot philosophy is ??a spiritual exercise destined to transform the life of the individual who gives himself up to it ? Works English Translations Inventing the Universe Plato's Timaeus the Big Bang and the Problem of Scienti ?c Knowledge Albany State University of New York Press CPlato the Myth Maker Chicago University of Chicago Press Sexual ambivalence Androgyny and Hermaphroditism in Graeco-Roman Antiquity Berkeley University of California Press How Philosophers Saved Myths Allegorical Interpretation and Classical Mythology University of Chicago Press Plato's Philebus selected papers from the Eighth Symposium Platonicum with John M Dillon Sankt Augustin Academia Dialogues on Plato's Politeia Republic selected papers from the Ninth Symposium Platonicum with Noburu Notomi Sankt Augustin Academia Verlag Neoplatonic Demons and Angels Leiden Boston Brill Original French Works Le mythe de Tirésias essai d ? analyse structurale Leiden Brill Éros París Flammarion Lectures de Platon Paris J Vrin ISBN - - - Orphée et l ? orphisme dans l ? Antiquité greco-romaine Londres Variorum Puissance et limites de la raison Le probleme des valeurs Paris Les Belles

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