New data on the cocchi 1867 from the late pliocene locality of sesklo thessaly greece
New data on the Equus stenonis Cocchi from the late Pliocene locality of Sésklo Thessaly Greece Athanassios ATHANASSIOU University of Athens Department of Historical Geology and Palaeontology Panepistimiopolis Athens Greece aathan cc uoa gr KEY WORDS Mammalia Perissodactyla Equidae Equus stenonis late Pliocene Villafranchian Thessaly Greece Athanassiou A ?? New data on the Equus stenonis Cocchi from the late Pliocene locality of Sésklo Thessaly Greece Geodiversitas - ABSTRACT The equid material from the late Pliocene locality of Sésklo Thessaly Greece is described and compared in this article It belongs to a large and fairly stout Equus stenonis form which shares many morphological characters with the species samples from Saint-Vallier La Puebla de Valverde and Olivola as well as with already known Equus stenonis samples from other Greek localities Dafneró Vólax Its main features are the big skull and limbs the short protocones and the very simple enamel plication in the teeth Large sized and relatively robust stenonid horses are common elements of the late Pliocene faunas of Greece MOTS CLÉS Mammalia Perissodactyla Equidae Equus stenonis Pliocène supérieur Villafranchien Thessalie Grèce RÉSUMÉ Nouvelles données sur l ? Equus stenonis Cocchi de la localité pliocène de Sésklo Thessalie Grèce Dans l ? article présent l ? équidé de la localité pliocène de Sésklo Thessalie Grèce est décrit et comparé Il appartient à une forme d ? Equus stenonis large et assez robuste qui a des caractères morphologiques communs avec les échantillons de Saint-Vallier La Puebla de Valverde et Olivola ainsi qu ? avec des échantillons déjà connus d ? autres localités grecques Dafneró et Vólax Ses caractères morphologiques principaux s ? observent sur le cr? ne et sur les membres de grandes dimensions les protocônes sont courts et l ? émail dentaire est faiblement plissé Les équidés sténoniens grands et relativement robustes sont fréquents dans les faunes grecques du Pliocène supérieur GEODIVERSITAS ? ? ? Publications Scienti ?ques du Muséum national d ? Histoire naturelle Paris www mnhn fr publication CAthanassiou A THESSALY Sésklo FIG ?? Sketch map of the Thessalian area showing the locality of Sésklo INTRODUCTION The site of Sésklo Magnesia Thessaly Greece Fig is located in a basin ?lled with uviolacustrine clay sediments It is situated about km West of the town of Vólos the capital of the district of Magnesia The basement of the basin is formed of metamorphic rocks peridotites serpentinites and slates with marble and ophiolite intercalations that tectonically overlie a formation of Jurassic slates and Triassic-Jurassic marbles Müller Symeonidis Tataris Mastoras The clays that ?ll the basin are red coloured about m thick and inclined to the SE Lithologically they are very uniform only the uppermost layers have some pebble intercalations A part of the basin is used by the local cement industry as a clay pit The ?rst ?ndings in the site some Anancus remains were discovered in during the works in this pit Symeonidis Tataris Another discovery in followed by a brief excavation by Prof N Symeonidis University of Athens yielded most of
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- Publié le Dec 24, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 169.8kB