Orgplus guide 1 2 3 a b c 4 a 5 a b 6 a b c d 7
OrgPlus Guide Logging In Icon Key Views a Org Chart b Salary Org Chart c Head Count Span of Control Viewing Pro ?le Explore Bookmarks Panels a Creating Bookmarks Searching a From the Directory Tab b From the Explore Panel Exporting Organizational Charts a To the Modeler b To Excel c To PDF d To PPT Working with the Modeler C LOGGING IN Go to https orgplus drexel edu orgplus Log in using your Drexel domain user ID and password Select Chart to view organizational charts Select Directory to search within the organizational charts ICON KEY Icon Name Make Top Up one level Chain of Command Description Creates a chart with the selected box at the top position To select a box in the chart click that box Creates a chart with the manager of the current top position in the topmost box Display supervisors direct and indirect for the current top position Chain of Command Select to the right of the Chain of Command button to control how many Supervisor Levels supervisor levels are shown when the chain of command option is enabled Show Levels De ?nes the number of levels to chart Zoom In Increases the magni ?cation of your chart Zoom Out Decreases the magni ?cation of your chart Scale Changes the magni ?cation of the displayed chart Fit to Window Resizes the chart so that the entire content is visible in the current window Zoom Wheel Panning View Page Layout Print Preview When selected the scroll wheel on the mouse controls magni ?cation otherwise the scroll wheel controls vertical scrolling Shows a miniature version of your entire chart that can then be used to navigate to any area of a chart De ?nes the page layout used to display the chart Browser Page Setup should match the page layout settings when printing a chart Displays a preview of how the current chart will look when printed Print Prints the current chart Modeler Excel PDF Exports organizational chart to the Modeler where you can edit revise organizational charts for individual department use Exports data that is stored in the organizational charts into an Excel spreadsheet Publishes the organizational chart to a PDF document Powerpoint Publishes the organizational chart to a PowerPoint presentation Expand Collapse Expands or collapses the Bookmarks Explore and Pro ?le tabs C VIEWS There are three di ?erent views in OrgPlus accessible by the View drop down menu in the bottom center of the screen Access to these views is re ective of an employee ? s access to WebSalary Org Chart This is the basic organizational chart All Drexel and DUCOM employees have access to this view It displays the following information for the entire University ? Employee Name ? Position Title ? Department Salary Org Chart This chart displays basic salary information for WebSalary users Access to this chart is granted per org through WebSalary access It displays the following information for those who have access ? Employee Name ? Position Title
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Nov 23, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 50kB