Preface and reader x27 s guide

Preface and Reader ? s Guide With major limitations the planned scope of this book is a systematic look at the mineral and rock materials that have been used from prehistoric times through the seventeenth century CE The author has used the end of the seventeenth century as a stopping point because the expansion of the world economy and scienti ?c knowledge at that time would have led this book to become two volumes The notation used for dates throughout is BCE Before the Common Era CE dating to our Common Era and BP Before the Present to avoid any religious connotations ??Archaeomineralogy ? may seem like a small and arcane niche in the scholarly world However it turned out to be very dif ?cult to limit the number of references cited from the large universe of publications In preparing this volume it became obvious that the number of germane articles and books lies somewhere between and Those publications used and referenced constitute only a small fraction of the literature Although there are over references and almost as many additions were consulted but not used the sheer immensity of the literature precluded comprehensive coverage Hence the references in this volume are in no way exhaustive Consideration of the use of speci ?c ores grades imperceptibly into production technology and other aspects of archaeometallurgy Consideration of metal ore and lithic sources leads imperceptibly into provenance studies and consideration of the color of gems can lead directly into gemology It has been dif ?cult at times to draw the line and stay on course to keep the content of this volume to a manageable size The author has taught geoarchaeology approximately a dozen times spanning nearly years at three universities so his gathering of material and references dates back this far and even farther He has made notes on lithologic compositions of artifacts in excavation storehouses in museum displays and non-display collections particularly in Greece Turkey Cyprus Israel Jordan Egypt Tunisia North America and China Many of these found their way into lecture notes and into this book The reader can assume that when a reference is not given the items are from the author ? s years of experience in the ?eld The coverage and references are often extensive but never exhaustive In addition there are many language and geographic gaps This is in part because of lack of published research and also because neither the author nor his two research v Cvi Preface and Reader ? s Guide assistants read Far Eastern languages particularly Chinese and Japanese However most relevant publications from India are in English This book will not usually cover secondary mineral products such as patinas on archaeological artifacts For patinas the reader is referred to a series of three annotated bibliographies in Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts e g Volume Volume and Volume Many rocks and minerals of necessity are discussed under more than one topic heading Repeating standard information each time would be inef ?cient Therefore

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