Promc guide PROMC Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS PROMC Introduction to PROMC Geoview Initializing PROMC P-wave Seismic Data Loading Horizon Import Loading Converted PS -wave Data Domain Conversion Wavelet Extraction Well Log Correlation Synthetic Modeling Domain
PROMC Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS PROMC Introduction to PROMC Geoview Initializing PROMC P-wave Seismic Data Loading Horizon Import Loading Converted PS -wave Data Domain Conversion Wavelet Extraction Well Log Correlation Synthetic Modeling Domain Conversion using Velocity Models Horizon Picking Horizon Matching VP VS Mapping Joint Inversion March C Hampson-Russell Software Services GUIDE TO PROMC Introduction to PROMC PROMC is a tool designed to aid in the analysis and interpretation of Multi Component MC seismic data Multi component seismic can help with fracture detection imaging through gas clouds lithology de ?nition and uid identi ?cation It can also improve time lapse interpretation by helping to resolve non-uniqueness between pressure and saturation changes Historically it has been di ?cult to interpret PP and PS seismic volumes consistently These di ?culties are related to the di ?erent event times and frequencies on the PS data together with di ?erences in PP and PS re ectivity PROMC has been developed to create an easy-to-use and intuitive work environment for the interpretation and analysis of post-stack migrated Multi Component data Analysis of MC data generally includes the following steps Modeling of PP and PS synthetic seismograms Wavelet extraction from both the PP and the PS seismic Well log correlation to the seismic data Identi ?cation of key markers on the PP and PS data Event picking of key seismic markers on the PP and PS volumes Event matching between the PP and PS seismic Mapping of the VP VS ratio throughout the D volume Joint inversion of PP and PS data to create D volumes of P-impedance S -impedance VP VS ratio and density This tutorial takes you through an example of Multi Component data analysis through to Vp Vs mapping and joint inversion The main window of PROMC software includes the following features under the speci ?ed function key Data Manager Facilitates input and organization of project data from SEGY and Seisworks Display Domain Allows the change of display from PP time to PS time SS Time or depth domain Domain Conversion Options to use velocity tables velocity volumes Strata Models or well logs for P- and S -wave conversion Modeling Allows creation of synthetics for PP PS SS wave modes from input logs Survey Regrid Accommodates rebinning of multiple surveys to a common grid Event Matching Matching PP PS and SS events Calibration Frequency Phase and Amplitude matching options cross-plots and crosscorrelation Horizons Facilitates picking and management of PP PS and SS horizons Attributes Calculation of standard and special attributes Map Utilities Creates data slices and maps Strata Model Facilitates the building and management of Density P and S wave models March CPROMC Joint PP-PS Inversion Model based inversion to estimate volumes of acoustic properties that are consistent with the P and PS amplitude volumes Geoview Initializing PROMC Geoview is a program that has been provided to you along with PROMC Geoview serves two purposes One purpose is to read in and manage all well logs that are used by any HampsonRussell program
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- Publié le Dec 11, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 73.4kB