Skills guide Brief Guide to Skills and Methodology in History Prof Paul Tonks U I C Major Texts are Highly Recommended General Jules R Benjamin A Student ? s Guide to History Bedford St Martin ? s Boston th edition ?? this is the one that I am using for t

Brief Guide to Skills and Methodology in History Prof Paul Tonks U I C Major Texts are Highly Recommended General Jules R Benjamin A Student ? s Guide to History Bedford St Martin ? s Boston th edition ?? this is the one that I am using for the quotes but I won ? t cite pages speci ?cally as we may have di ?erent editions See below The Central Library has the th edition Call a Research Paper Kate L Turabian Student ? s Guide for Writing College Papers University of Chicago Press Chicago rd edition The Library has several editions versions including the one Call T s I shall place these on reserve in the Library for you on the nd Floor Course Reserve Section so that they will be available whenever you need to consult them as a reference guide ?? you might also consider taking out on loan an alternate copy or indeed purchasing one perhaps online The following guidelines and advice are chie y drawn from the above Benjamin text Likewise I would recommend that you make use of the associated website which has links to a large number of resources such as primary and secondary sources http bcs bedfordstmartins com benjamin e default asp I would reiterate also that it would be in your best interest to talk with me individually about your work especially the Research Paper which constitutes a signi ?cant proportion of your course grade Methods of Historical and Interdisciplinary Research History has been in uenced by many other disciplines particularly in recent years e g Psychology Sociology Political Science Anthropology etc An example might be the use of demographic statistical data in Quantitative History Types of Historical Evidence There are Basic Forms of Historical Evidence Primary Secondary Sources A Primary Source records the actual historical event it is ?rst-hand evidence Examples Diaries Letters Notebooks Newspaper Accounts O ?cial Data such as government legislation census returns etc also constitute primary sources In the modern era primary sources might take a number of di ?erent forms such as video audio recordings photographs etc C A Secondary Source is a source produced not by a witness participant in an historical event but by someone who has investigated it subsequently e g a modern historian so most historical writing such as an academic journal article constitutes secondary evidence ?? some historical writing is in fact Tertiary third level because it is drawn from secondary rather than primary sources though Categorizing Historical Information Evidence ? Objective ? Conditions ?? This could involve quantitative data for example on population statistics Social e g Race Ethnicity Class Gender Political ?? Mode of Governance for example ?? What institutions governed a particular place people Economic ?? Questions such as the make-up of the economy Internal vs External trade for example ? Subjective ? Conditions or ? Culture Identity ? Elite Popular Culture so in early modern Britain and America for example one might consider the relationship of the

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