Student guide office theme
Student Guide - - CStudent Guide Table of contents THE UNIVERSITY ORGANISATION OF STUDIES TITLES AND DEGREES ERASMUS COORDINATORS LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION AND LEARNING POLISH ACADEMIC CALENDAR GRADING SYSTEM APPLICATION PROCEDURE VISA AND RESIDENCE PROCEDURES INSURANCE AND MEDICAL CARE IN POLAND CStudent Guide Table of contents PRE-DEPARTURE CHECK LIST ARRIVAL SOCIAL AND LIVING CONDITIONS ? STUDENT DORMITORIES ? MONEY AND BANKING ? COST OF LIVING ? SHOPPING ? CLIMATE ? CULTURE SHOCK ? CONTACT DETAILS CStudent Guide THE UNIVERSITY The Nicolaus Copernicus University NCU in Torun is a state university established in On November the Ludwik Rydygier Medical University in Bydgoszcz was incorporated into the NCU as the Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz O ?cial Name PL Uniwersytet Miko aja Kopernika w Toruniu Collegium Medicum im Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy O ?cial Name ENG Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz Address Jagiello ska - - Bydgoszcz Poland Department of Projects and International Cooperation Erasmus code PL TORUN University webpage http www cm umk pl CStudent Guide ORGANISATION OF STUDIES According to Bologna Process the basic university course in Poland lasts three years at the end of which students are awarded a Bachelor's degree LICENCJAT After two additional years of studies students are awarded a Master's degree MAGISTER Course of Medicine o ?ers uni ?ed six-years Master Programme Having obtained the degree of Master MAGISTER it is possible to engage in further study for the PhD DOKTOR CStudent Guide TITLES AND DEGREES There are di ?erent academic titles and degrees in the Polish system of higher education which should be interpreted as follows Mgr MAGISTER - MA and its equivalents in other disciplines Dr DOKTOR - PhD and its equivalents in other disciplines Dr hab DOKTOR HABILITOWANY - a higher level doctoral degree The highest academic title is Professor PROFESOR which may be conferred on distinguished academics by the President of Poland CStudent Guide ERASMUS COORDINATORS MEDICINE dr hab Aldona Katarzyna Jankowska e-mail k jankowska cm umk pl Faculty of Medicine Department of Paediatrics Haematology and Oncology Bydgoszcz M Curie Sk odowskiej St PHARMACY dr hab Artur S omka prof UMK e-mail artur slomka cm umk pl Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pathophysiology Bydgoszcz M Curie Sk odowskiej St HEALTH SCIENCES dr Mariusz Kozakiewicz e-mail markoz cm umk pl Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Food Chemistry Bydgoszcz M Curie Sk odowskiej St CStudent Guide LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION The lectures and classes at CM NCU are held in Polish Exchange students who are uent in the language may attend the courses taught in Polish Erasmus students are o ?ered courses taught in English according to their choice in the Learning Agreement It must be noted that a good command of English is required B level LEARNING POLISH All international students are o ?ered a Polish language course during their stay in Bydgoszcz The course is free of charge and conducted by an experienced teacher Accepted applicants who wish to take the course are requested to send their
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- Publié le Jul 15, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 57.7kB