Teacher x27 s guide by annglish
Teacher ? s Guide by Annglish CForeword Dear Fellow Teacher I am Anna Gandrabura the founder of English For IT and Annglish I have over years of experience in teaching all levels from elementary to advanced I got my CELTA certi ?cation in Teaching House New York I also hold a University of Oregon diploma I have taken multiple courses and workshops at Stanford University on public speaking management etc Currently I am conducting my own workshops all over the world I founded my own English language school aged and have been teaching at tech companies worldwide ever since then Over the years I have accumulated many learnings which I want to share with you That is why I have decided to leverage my experience of both learning and teaching English and put it all together in a guide In this guide you will ?nd how to prepare and conduct more interactive and conversation-based lessons how to upgrade you English list of resources where you can get modern authentic materials for crafting lessons overview of CELTA what it is how to teach in accordance with CELTA guidelines and who actually needs that certi ?cation The guide will aid you in preparing and conducting lessons as well as developing yourself as a professional My goal here is to create a knowledge sharing community of English teachers where everyone could ?nd support and motivation to become a better professional as well as share their knowledge and even become a mentor Join the Teacher ? s Community in Telegram where you can ask questions share your favorite activities talk about tough issues etc And most importantly never stop learning All of life is a constant education ?? Eleanor Roosevelt CAs an English teacher I have been using traditional textbooks for many years While I still like to use them as a basis for my group lessons as the textbook helps keep your course structured I have noticed one big issue textbooks don ? t teach actual conversational English no matter how good they are Not to mention that they tend to age quite badly and rapidly What ? s the solution to this Use relevant modern and authentic materials to help students develop an ??English ? mindset and help them build essential language skills Immerse yourself and your students in the real English-speaking environment and make your lessons more conversation-oriented Both of these goals can be accomplished by leveraging web resources and mixing in a few practices How to make your lessons more interactive Use warm-ups Warmups are essential for getting your students into the right mood for the lesson After the usual small talk and before checking the homework diving into the topic on the agenda consider small conversation-based activities that you can incorporate into the beginning of all your lessons to get your students warmed up and thinking English right out of the gate Minute quiz Students need to give the correct answer to a question that has to do with
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Oct 30, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 51.3kB