Zekvoz guide Zek ? voz Herald of N ? Zoth The ?? We Finally Get To Kill Our DPS ? Boss OVERVIEW PHASES Hero Last Phase We ?ght Zek while Titan Discs come online activating new mechanics for us to deal with each SPECIAL NOTES phase while deactivating old o
Zek ? voz Herald of N ? Zoth The ?? We Finally Get To Kill Our DPS ? Boss OVERVIEW PHASES Hero Last Phase We ?ght Zek while Titan Discs come online activating new mechanics for us to deal with each SPECIAL NOTES phase while deactivating old ones Consider your positioning at all times to handle mechanics In Immunities Personals ?? N A the ?nal stage intercept an orb to get a large damage healing boost ?? but be warned after Interrupts ?? Void Bolt Psionic Blast seconds you will be Mind Controlled and your team must kill you before you kill them Typical Dispels ?? None meathead DPS ? Tank swap after every combo Warriors Tanks Boss Phase Warriors Dodge Surging Darkness zones ?? of zones erupts at a time three times in a row Move to safety Titan Spark ?? Deals damage periodically to random targets Might of the Void ?? Boss combo on tanks frontal cone reducing healing received Void Lash then large physical damage increasing damage taken Shatter then Void Lash again Surging Darkness ?? At energy boss releases multiple avoidable eruptions that also Raid cause raid-wide damage each eruption Kill CC Warriors Stay loosely stacked to keep them together Run out with Rolling Deceit to drop your Cloud Cloud Run out with Eye Beam In beta it was possible to move out of the entire pattern Phase ?? Tanks Void Raid Boss Void Raid Raid Void Dodge Surging Darkness zones Split interrupt groups and nuke adds quickly Silithid Warriors ?? Fixate player dealing bleed damage slow if hit Jagged Mandible Eye Beam ?? Targets player dealing damage and chaining to nearby players Titan Spark Might of the Void Surging Darkness persists from P Roiling Deceit ?? In icts random target with DoT upon expiring drops ominous cloud Ominous Cloud ?? If touched summons Guardian add will cast Shadow Nova at energy or death dealing massive raid-wide damage Nerubian Voidweavers ?? Deals damage to random players Void Bolt interruptable Phase ?? Overload ?? Increases frequency of Titan Spark Catch Orbs to gain damage healing bu ? and prevent raid- wide damage Tanks Boss Orb Raid Kill CC Interrupt Mind Controlled players after their orb debu ? runs out Orb of Corruption ?? Explodes on impact with ground pulsing damage until touched Touching sends the orb back up into the air and applies Corruptor ? s Pact to the player Corruptor ? s Pact ?? Health and damage healing done increased by After it expires you are mind controlled by Will of the Corruptor Will of the Corruptor ?? Lasts until player is killed upon death fears and damages players within yards Casts Psionic Blast on random targets in icting damage and fear interruptable MYTHIC ONLY Titan Discs remain powered on the entire ?ght so mechanics do not fall o ? as the ?ght continues and you must deal with them throughout Voidweavers cause increased damage the longer they are alive C
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- Publié le Mar 21, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 26.4kB