w product guide NI Product Guide ni com The National Instruments graphical system design approach can change how you see the world National Instruments is a technology pioneer and industry leader that delivers today ? s most advanced technologies for test

NI Product Guide ni com The National Instruments graphical system design approach can change how you see the world National Instruments is a technology pioneer and industry leader that delivers today ? s most advanced technologies for test control and design Engineers and scientists in hundreds of industries use exible high- performance NI products to create reliable user-de ?ned systems With graphical programming software and modular open hardware NI has rede ?ned how engineers work throughout the entire product design cycle resulting in reduced time to market and lower development costs Measurement and Automation Software Why LabVIEW ?? LabVIEW Sample Projects Third-Party Toolkits and Learning Resources NI LabWindows CVI NI DIAdem NI Measurement Studio NI TestStand and NI VeriStand ?? Measurement and Automation Hardware Automated Test and Instrumentation NI PXI Platform Modular Instruments RF and Microwave Instrumentation Physical Measurements Signal Conditioning GPIB and Instrument Drivers ?? Data Acquisition NI DAQ Platform NI CompactDAQ Measurement Modules for NI CompactDAQ NI Multifunction DAQ NI-DAQmx Driver Software Embedded Control and Monitoring NI CompactRIO Platform NI RIO Hardware Platforms Multifunction I O Additional Embedded Control and Monitoring Products Services and Support Alliance Partner Network ?? ?? The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries Measurement and Automation Software LabVIEW system design software is at the heart of the National Instruments platform With features engineers and scientists need to build a wide range of applications in dramatically less time LabVIEW is the ideal development environment for innovation and discovery accelerated results and exibility for any measurement or control system System Management Software NI TestStand NI VeriStand NI Switch Executive DIAdem LabWindowsTM CVI LabVIEW Measurement Studio for Visual Studio Drivers and Measurement Services NI-DAQmx NI-VISA Measurement Automation Explorer MAX Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning Modular Instruments Embedded Systems Instrument Communication Engineers can create applications scaling from design to test and from small to large systems while reusing IP and taking advantage of the latest advancements for optimum performance Highly scalable software coupled with modular recon ?gurable hardware simpli ?es the ever-increasing complexity of systems at multiple levels LabVIEW works with a variety of hardware and software and can integrate into virtually any system for design or control The ability to work with thousands of di ?erent devices means LabVIEW saves development time by providing a consistent programming framework across virtually any hardware ni com The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries Why LabVIEW Hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists worldwide depend on LabVIEW to build cost-e ?ective design control and test systems The LabVIEW graphical development environment features interactive assistants code generation and connectivity to thousands of devices for easily gathering data Because LabVIEW connects to virtually any measurement device and design tool it can be incorporated seamlessly into existing systems without risking application investment ? ? In

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  • Publié le Aoû 17, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 113.8kB