Assessment guide Mrs Stephanie Davies rd Grade XYZ Elementary School Assessment Guide CAssessment Plan Throughout the year I will be working with your child in various ways to ensure that we are reaching the rd grade standards and hitting the targets need

Mrs Stephanie Davies rd Grade XYZ Elementary School Assessment Guide CAssessment Plan Throughout the year I will be working with your child in various ways to ensure that we are reaching the rd grade standards and hitting the targets needed for your child to progress onto th grade I think that it will be helpful for you as a parent to understand how I will determine whether your child is mastering the rd grade standards and how we will all work together your child you and I to make sure that he or she is successful in my class To begin I will be using various assessments in my classroom to determine not only where your child is but also how to move him or her to the next level Assessments are tools that help me gather the data that I need to make educational decisions for the bene ?t of your child The decisions that are made using this data vary but include things like What does the student currently know How can they demonstrate that knowledge How can we work together to eliminate educational obstacles What can we do to make learning fun and in uence positive feelings about school What teaching methods should I use to make sure that your student is mastering required knowledge targets for rd grade In the classroom I will speci ?cally be using selected response multiple choice ?ll in etc essay performance personal communication and disposition assessments throughout the year For more information about each of these please review the attached ??Assessment FAQ ? Some of these tools will be used to develop report card grades In addition your students will be asked to complete standardized tests as required by the school district state or federal governments While these tests will not directly impact classroom grades they are important to decision makers because they determine whether or not students in general are mastering the content required and help to make instructional decisions for future students All through the year your student and I will be working on gathering evidence of their success and growth Some examples of this gathering of evidence are testing student knowledge via chapter tests individual and group projects keeping reading logs and dialogue journals and gathering portfolios of student work Your child will be a key contributor to each of these assessment tools Whether they are working with me to identify examples of good work and bad work so that we can develop project rubrics or identifying how they are feeling about stories read in dialogue journals I will be taking your child ? s perspective into account when making evaluations One of the best ways for your child to feel engaged in their learning is through the process of designing and selecting their own materials for their educational portfolios A portfolio is a collection of assessments done throughout the year chosen by your student to highlight their growth We will use portfolios in two ways First we

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  • Publié le Apv 20, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 38.3kB