Executive directors guide Executive Directors Guide The Guide for Successful Nonpro ?t Management LEADERSHIP A Four-Step Approach Participatory Partnership-Based Leadership Keeping Your Balance Strategies for Maintaining Your Balance Written by Deborah Li

Executive Directors Guide The Guide for Successful Nonpro ?t Management LEADERSHIP A Four-Step Approach Participatory Partnership-Based Leadership Keeping Your Balance Strategies for Maintaining Your Balance Written by Deborah Linnell Zora Radosevich Jonathan Spack TSNE MissionWorks Published by United Way of Massachusetts Bay Partners in social change CAcknowledgements We would like to thank the many nonpro ?t organizations and leaders who helped us frame the scope and content of the Guide through their willingness to respond to surveys serve on our Practitioners Advisory Group review chapters and provide other expertise or assistance as needed In particular we would like to thank Martha Breunig Ray Considine Deborah DeBare Diane D'Errico Joanne Donoghue James Earley Jim Haskell Karen Je ?reys Kathy Jellison Bruce MacDonald Denise K Maguire Francine Mantak John Pearson Charlotte Ryan Bob Sable Surl Silberman Joyce Strom Jon Thompson and Judith E Wise CGSE Finally we would like to thank Marilyn Anderson Chase and Carlos Martinez of the United Way of Massachusetts Bay for making this Guide possible Deborah Linnell Zora Radosevich Jonathan Spack Published by South Street Suite Boston MA phone fax www tsne org To purchase this book or request reprint permission please contact TSNE MissionWorks directly at South Street Suite Boston MA or email eguide tsne org Copyright ? United Way of Massachusetts Bay All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America CLEADERSHIP ??The best leaders operate in four dimensions vision reality ethics and courage The real challenge of leadership is to develop all four of these often-contradictory modes of thinking and behaving at once ? ?? Philosopher Peter Koestenbaum interview in Fast Company March CHAPTER A Four-Step Approach Participatory Partnership-Based Leadership Keeping Your Balance Strategies for Maintaining Your Balance CLeadership So much has been written on the subject of leadership including inevitably Leadership for Dummies that to try to cover the topic comprehensively in one brief chapter is an impossible task A recent article in the Harvard Business Review asserts that books on leadership were published in So we won ? t try Instead we address what we believe are the critical leadership issues for executive directors of nonpro ?t organizations including ? demystifying the concept of leadership and presenting a simple model for understanding it ? stimulating readers to think about their own leadership competencies and styles ? encouraging self-re ection and ? making a case for participatory partnership-based leadership where decision-making authority is distributed throughout the organization To give you an idea of the range of opinion on this topic consider these opposing quotes from two noted authors ?? Vision is the commodity of leaders and power is their currency ? ?? Warren Bennis author of numerous books on leadership ??The belief that crafting the vision is primarily a leadership-at-the- top function defeats right at the beginning the intent of driving ownership and responsibility toward those close to the work ? ? ?? Peter Block consultant and author Flawless Consulting The Empowered Manager Stewardship A Four-Step Approach Unlike many of the subjects covered

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  • Publié le Apv 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 50.2kB