Bibliography 31 Centre Bibliography The following output has already been produced by the Centre Journal papers Burnett S Gatrell C Cooper C and Sparrow P R in press Fathers at work a ghost in the machine Gender Work and Organization In press Sparrow P R
Centre Bibliography The following output has already been produced by the Centre Journal papers Burnett S Gatrell C Cooper C and Sparrow P R in press Fathers at work a ghost in the machine Gender Work and Organization In press Sparrow P R Farndale E Scullion H in press Global talent management in professional and ?nancial service ?rms The changing role of the corporate HR function International Journal of Human Resource Management In press Burnett S Gatrell C Cooper C and Sparrow P R in press Worklife Balance and Parenthood A comparative review of de ?nitions equity and enrichment International Journal of Management Reviews In press Sheehan M and Sparrow P R Global human resource management and economic change a multiple level of analysis research agenda International Journal of Human Resource Management Sparrow P R Globalising the international mobility function the role of emerging markets exibility and strategic delivery models International Journal of Human Resource Management - Chung C Bozkurt O and Sparrow P R Managing the duality of IHRM unravelling the strategy and perceptions of key actors in South Korean MNCs International Journal of Human Resource Management King E Dawson J F West M A Penny C Gilrane V Bastin L Why organizational and community diversity matter The emergence of incivility and organizational performance Academy of Management Journal CRichter A W Dawson J F West M A The e ?ectiveness of organizational teams A meta-analysis International Journal of Human Resource Management - Buttigieg S West M A Dawson J F Well-structured teams and the bu ?ering of hospital employees from stress Health Services Management Research Scullion H Sparrow P R and Farndale E Global talent management new challenges for the corporate HR function in the global recession Zarzadzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi Human Recourse Management Senior C Martin R Thomas G Topakas A West M A Yeats R Developmental stability and leadership e ?ectiveness The Leadership Quarterly Van Knippenberg D Dawson J F West M A Homans A Diversity faultlines shared objectives and top management team performance Human Relations - Burnett S Gattrell C J Cooper C L Sparrow P R Well balanced families A gendered analysis of work-life balance policies and work family practices Gender in Management An International Journal - Arshad R Sparrow P R Downsizing and survivor reactions in Malaysia modelling antecedents and outcomes of psychological contract violation International Journal of Human Resource Management - Farndale E Scullion H Sparrow P R The Role of the Corporate HR function in Global Talent Management Journal of World Business Second most downloaded Journal of World Business paper still th most downloaded by Hodgkinson G Sadler-Smith E Burke L Claxton G Sparrow P R Intuiton in organisations Implications for strategic management Long Range Planning - Fleetwood S Hesketh A J Theorising Under-theorisation in Research on the HRM ?? Performance Link Personnel Review CGilboa S Shirom A Fried Y and Cooper C L A meta ? analysis of work demand stressors and job performance Examining main andmoderating e ?ects Personnel Psychology ?
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- Publié le Oct 07, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 52kB