Borongan city 6800 eastern samar philippines infoatessu edu ph
COURSE GUIDE Course Educ Assessment in Semester st School Year - Learning Instructor Shiela B Pelicano PhD Course Description This is a course that focuses on the principles development and utilization of alternative forms of assessment in measuring authentic learning It emphasizes on how to assess process and product-oriented learning outcomes as a ?ective learning Students will experience how to develop rubrics and other assessment tools for performance-based and product-based assessment Course Outline TOPIC Unit I st Century Assessment Lesson Characteristics of st Century Assessment Lesson Instructional Decisions in Assessment Lesson Outcome-based Assessment Unit II Types of Assessment Lesson Traditional and Authentic Assessment Lesson Formative Evaluation and Summative Evaluation Lesson Norm and Criterion-Referenced Assessment Lesson Contextualized and Decontextualized Assessment Lesson Analytic and Holistic Assessment SUMMATIVE TEST Unit III Nature of Performance-Based Assessment Lesson Meaning and Characteristics Lesson Types of Performance Tasks Lesson Strengths and Limitations REFERENCES Cajigal R M Mantuano M D Greenstein L Kubiszyn T Borich G Nitko A J Asia-Paci ?c Journal of Teacher Education Report form the Department of Research Evaluation and Assessment https sph uth edu content uploads Competencies-and- LearningObjectives pdf http www teaching utoronto ca topic c oursedesign learning-outcome Cajigal R M Mantuano M D Biggs J and tang C Mueller J Popham W J McMillan J H Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation A Peer Reviewed Electronic Journal Volume No January http jonathan muelller faculty noctri ed u toolbox index htm www eric ed gov http dx doi org kghx kbl -en Cajigal R M Mantuano M D Popham W J Musial D et al Asia-Paci ?c Journal of Teacher Education http rel sagepub com content Borongan City Eastern Samar Philippines info essu edu ph https essu edu ph CUnit IV Designing Meaningful PerformanceBased Assessment Lesson Designing the purpose of Assessment Lesson Identifying Performance Tasks Lesson Developing Scoring Schemes Unit V A ?ective Learning Competencies Lesson Importance of A ?ective Targets Lesson A ?ective Traits and Learning Targets Lesson A ?ective Domain of the taxonomy of Educational Objectives Cajigal R M Mantuano M D Popham W J Musial D et al Asia-Paci ?c Journal of Teacher Education Report from the Department of Research Evaluation and Assessment http rel sagepub com content Cajigal R M Mantuano M D Tanner D E Krathwohl D R Bloom B S Marsia http ets tlt psu edu learningdesign ass essment a ?ective Unit VI Development of A ?ective Assessment Tools Lesson Methods of Assessing A ?ective Targets Lesson Utilizing the Di ?erent Methods or Combination of Methods in Assessing A ?ect Lesson A ?ective Assessment Tools SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Unit VII Nature of Portfolio Assessment Lesson Purposes Lesson Types Lesson Elements Unit VIII Designing and Evaluating Portfolio Assessment in the Classroom Lesson Steps for Developing Portfolio Assessment Lesson Portfolio Evaluation Cajigal R M Mantuano M D Popham W J McMillan J H Burke K http www teaching utoronto ca topic c oursedesign learning-outcome http www baker edu departments etl main cfm Cajigal R M Mantuano M D Kubiszyn T Borich G
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- Publié le Nov 08, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 45.3kB