Cissp guide CISSP EXAM CRAM PHYSICAL SECURITY PRINCIPLES CONTROLS CINTRODUCTION CISSP EXAM DOMAINS Security and Risk Management Asset Security Security Architecture and Engineering Communication and Network Security Identity and Access Management Security

CISSP EXAM CRAM PHYSICAL SECURITY PRINCIPLES CONTROLS CINTRODUCTION CISSP EXAM DOMAINS Security and Risk Management Asset Security Security Architecture and Engineering Communication and Network Security Identity and Access Management Security Assessment and Testing Security Operations Software Development Security CDOMAIN SECURITY ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING Apply security principles to site and facility design Design site and facility security controls Wiring closets intermediate distribution facilities Server rooms data centers Media storage facilities Evidence storage Restricted and work area security Utilities and Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC Environmental issues Fire prevention detection and suppression Power e g redundant backup Cfunctional order of security controls Deterrence Denial Detection Delay Cphysical security controls Physical security controls can be divided into three groups Administrative also known as management controls and include policies and procedures like site management personnel controls awareness training and emergency response and procedures Logical also known as technical controls and are implemented through technology like access controls intrusion detection alarms CCTV monitoring HVAC power supplies and ?re detection and suppression Physical use physical means to protect objects and includes fencing lighting locks construction materials mantraps dogs and guards Cphysical security requirements Know the logical controls for physical security Technical controls for physical security include - access controls - intrusion detection - alarms - CCTV and monitoring - HVAC - power supplies - ?re detection and suppression Cphysical security requirements Know administrative controls for physical security Administrative controls for physical security include - facility construction - facility selection - site management - personnel controls - awareness training - emergency response - emergency procedure Cphysical security requirements Know the physical controls for physical security Physical controls for physical security include - fencing - lighting - locks - construction materials - mantraps - dogs - guards Cphysical security requirements There is no security without physical security Without control over the physical environment no amount of administrative or technical logical access controls can provide adequate security If a malicious person can gain physical access to your facility or equipment they can do just about anything they want from destruction to disclosure and alteration CFENCES - feet deters the casual trespasser - feet Fence is a DETERRENT control PIDAS is a DETECTIVE control too di ?cult to climb easily may block vision providing additional security -feet topped with barbed wire will deter determined intruders EXPENSIVE and may generate false positives PIDAS perimeter intrusion detection and assessment system will detect someone attempting to climb a fence CELECTRICAL IMPACTS Blackout prolonged loss of power Brownout prolonged low voltage Fault short loss of power Surge prolonged high voltage Spike temporary high voltage Sag temporary low voltage Surge prolonged high voltage Spike temporary high voltage Sag temporary low voltage Brownout prolonged low voltage Fault short loss of power Blackout prolonged loss of power power loss inside the power meter is your responsibility Clighting should not illuminate the positions of guards dogs patrol posts or other similar security elements lighting used for perimeter protection should illuminate critical areas with feet of candle power from

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  • Publié le Nov 24, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 49.9kB