Development what and why chapter 1 sustainable

Chapter Sustainable Development ?? What and Why Mission Impact Vision for Sustainable Development Sustainable Development at LANL Purpose of the LANL Sustainable Design Guide Organization of the LANL Sustainable Design Guide LANL C Chapter Mission Impact Sustainable Development ?? What and Why ??It is not what we have that will make us a great nation it is the way in which we use it ? ?? Theodore Roosevelt As the nation increases its emphasis on security the Los Alamos National Laboratory LANL stands as a center of excellence bringing forth unique facilities and capabili ties on issues of national signi ?cance LANL ? s infrastruc ture and most facilities were constructed during a period that extended from to the early s These facili ties are now being targeted for replacement In addition new mission assignments are demanding state-of-theart facilities to extend capabilities for the next years LANL ? s population is also aging creating the need for signi ?cant recruitment in response to increasing retire ments Such factors present LANL with a unique opportunity to form and foster an exceptional work environment that supports its mission and attracts and retains the people most quali ?ed to ful ?ll that mission What is an ??exceptional work environment ? This work environment includes and must consider the Individual laboratory and or o ?ce space Tools and equipment used by an individual and the ease of the human machine interface Surrounding structure or building and its created climate LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory Sustainable Design Guide CChapter Sustainable Development ?? What and Why Sustainable development is ?? ? developing the built environment while considering environmental responsiveness resource e ?ciency and community sensitivity ? ?? Sustainable Design Report for the Los Alamos National Laboratory Strategic Computing Complex LANL document LA- UR- - Interstitial or common space that facilitates popula tion massing and encourages cross communication Transportation pedestrian and vehicular options that provide ease of access Natural environment in which the work environment is established An exceptional work environment supports and encour ages interconnectedness among these elements con tributing to e ?ciencies and productivity The process of Sustainable Development will be a key element to establishing LANL ? s exceptional work environment The sustainable development concept encompasses the materials to build and maintain a building the energy and water needed to operate the building and the ability to provide a healthy and productive environment for occupants of the building Often sustainable devel opment has been referred to as climate-sensitive design whole-building design or high-performance buildings Much of the original work in this ?eld was done under the auspices of passive solar design ?? for which LANL was a national and international leader LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory Sustainable Design Guide CChapter Sustainable Development ?? What and Why Vision for Sustainable Development In furthering its commitment to a safe and comfortable working environment that meets its program require ments and is responsive to environmental issues LANL has established a vision for sustainable development Sustainable design of

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  • Publié le Fev 15, 2022
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  • Taille du fichier 58.6kB