User guide slurm extreme computing SLURM V User's Guide REFERENCE A FD C Cextreme computing SLURM V User's Guide Software July BULL CEDOC AVENUE PATTON B P ANGERS CEDEX FRANCE REFERENCE A FD CThe following copyright notice protects this book under Copyrig

extreme computing SLURM V User's Guide REFERENCE A FD C Cextreme computing SLURM V User's Guide Software July BULL CEDOC AVENUE PATTON B P ANGERS CEDEX FRANCE REFERENCE A FD CThe following copyright notice protects this book under Copyright laws which prohibit such actions as but not limited to copying distributing modifying and making derivative works Copyright ? Bull SAS Printed in France Trademarks and Acknowledgements We acknowledge the rights of the proprietors of the trademarks mentioned in this manual All brand names and software and hardware product names are subject to trademark and or patent protection Quoting of brand and product names is for information purposes only and does not represent trademark misuse The information in this document is subject to change without notice Bull will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this material CTable of Contents Preface ix Chapter SLURM Overview SLURM Key Functions SLURM Components SLURM Daemons SLURMCTLD SLURMD SlurmDBD SLURM Database Daemon Scheduler Types The slurm conf con ?guration ?le SCONTROL ?? Managing the SLURM Con ?guration Chapter Installing and Con ?guring SLURM Installing SLURM Con ?guring SLURM on the Management Node Create and Modify the SLURM con ?guration ?le Setting up a slurmdbd conf ?le MySQL Con ?guration Setting up a topology conf ?le Final Con ?guration Steps Completing the Con ?guration of SLURM on the Management Node Manually Con ?guring SLURM on the Reference Node Using the slurmsetup sh Script Manually con ?guring SLURM on the Reference Nodes Starting the SLURM Daemons on a Single Node Check and Start the SLURM Daemons on Compute Nodes Con ?guring PamSlurm Module Installing and Con ?guring Munge for SLURM Authentication MNGT Introduction Creating a Secret Key Preface iii C Starting the Daemon Testing the Installation Chapter Administrating Cluster Activity with SLURM The SLURM Daemons Starting the Daemons SLURMCTLD Controller Daemon SLURMD Compute Node Daemon SLURMDBD Slurmd Database Daemon Node Selection Logging Core ?le Format Security SLURM Cluster Administration Examples Chapter SLURM High Availability SLURM High Availability SLURM High Availability using Text File Accounting SLURM High Availability using Database Accounting Starting SLURM High Availability Restoring SLURM High Availability following a Primary Management Node crash Chapter Managing Resources using SLURM SLURM Resource Management Utilities MPI Support SRUN SBATCH batch SALLOC allocation SATTACH SACCTMGR iv SLURM V - User's Guide C SBCAST SQUEUE List Jobs SINFO Report Partition and Node Information SCANCEL Signal Cancel Jobs SACCT Accounting Data STRIGGER SVIEW Global Accounting API Chapter Tuning Performances for SLURM Clusters Con ?guring and Sharing Consumable Resources in SLURM SLURM and Large Clusters Node Selection Plug-in SelectType Job Accounting Gather Plug-in JobAcctGatherType Node Con ?guration Timers TreeWidth parameter Hard Limits SLURM Power Saving Mechanism Con ?guring Power Saving Fault tolerance Chapter Troubleshooting SLURM SLURM does not start SLURM is not responding Jobs are not getting scheduled Nodes are getting set to a DOWN state Networking and Con ?guration Problems More Information Glossary Index Preface v Cvi SLURM V -

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  • Publié le Jan 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 245.7kB