Vistamart user guide VistaMart User Guide C Part Number Copyright - InfoVista S A All rights reserved InfoVista VistaView VistaBridge VistaMart VistaDiscovery VistaPortal VistaFoundation VistaInsight VistaLink Vista Plug-In VistaProvisioner Vista Troubles

VistaMart User Guide C Part Number Copyright - InfoVista S A All rights reserved InfoVista VistaView VistaBridge VistaMart VistaDiscovery VistaPortal VistaFoundation VistaInsight VistaLink Vista Plug-In VistaProvisioner Vista Troubleshooter VistaCockpit and Vista Watch are trademarks or registered trademarks of InfoVista S A in the United States and or other countries The information contained in this document is the property of InfoVista S A No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form including photocopying or electronic storage on any medium or by any means or used to make any derivative work such as translation transformation or adaptation without the express written permission of InfoVista S A The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and does not carry any contractual obligation for InfoVista InfoVista reserves the right to make changes to any products or services described in this document at any time without notice InfoVista shall not be held responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of the use of the information contained in this document Brand and product names mentioned in this publication may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders web www infovista com E-mail support infovista com VistaMart User Guide CContents Getting started with VistaMart VistaMart in a nutshell How does VistaMart work VistaMart ? s role within the VistaFoundation Coming from earlier VistaMart versions Introducing the VistaMart Application Services What ? s new between version SP and Connecting to VistaMart Getting acquainted with the Inventory Manager Con ?guring VistaMart for your VistaInsight solution Checking initialization settings Installing libraries VistaViews Con ?guring Zonesets and Zones Con ?guring the reporting scope Provisioning the VistaMart database Synchronizing VistaMart with InfoVista Servers Modifying miscellaneous settings Registering user services Setting preferences Receiving traps from InfoVista Server Setting VistaMart data lifetime and aggregation Adding data sources Provisioning VistaMart Understanding centralized provisioning Using the Inventory Manager for provisioning Importing topologies for provisioning Selecting Zones and Zonesets to provision Understanding Zones Understanding Zonesets About change management and provisioning Recognizing Instance modi ?cations Moving proxy Instances Managing groups Instances Understanding synchronization levels Exercising object ownership and priority Applying provisioning modes Selecting topology ?les for provisioning Using VistaDiscovery for provisioning Using external topology ?les for provisioning Choosing a ?le format VistaMart User Guide Contents C Provisioning with XML topology ?les Provisioning with CSV topology ?les Generating automatically a con ?guration ?le Following-up your provisioning Managing topology objects manually Searching inventory objects Deleting inventory Objects Command-line provisioning options Managing InfoVista Servers Overview of InfoVista Server management InfoVista Servers in the production context Assigning zones to Groups of InfoVista Servers Understanding Zone assignments Assigning Instances to an InfoVista Server group Examples of Zone InfoVista Server Management Declaring a New InfoVista Server Group Declaring a new InfoVista Server Checking InfoVista Server properties Synchronizing InfoVista Server groups Getting InfoVista Server feedback Handling ? unstable ? servers Managing InfoVista Server loads Redistributing Instances between InfoVista Servers Understanding the Vistamart Forwarding Service Basic principles in data forwarding Bene ?ts of forwarding data instead of collecting

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  • Publié le Jui 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 545.9kB