Education in and for conflict

education in and for con ict UNESCO Chair on peace and human rights Youth Coordination Unit C education in and for con ict Paco Cascón Soriano Member of the Seminario de Educación para la Paz Seminar on Education for Peace of the Asociación Pro-Derechos Humanos Human Rights Association Over the last few years education for peace EP has increasingly been focusing on the theme of education in and for non-violent con ict resolution There are various reasons for this On the one hand other sectors and NGOs have been doing important work on some of the corollaries to this theme co-education education for development ecology etc On the other hand the theme itself is one of the more speci ?c ones that give concrete value to EP and one from which ground-breaking contributions may be expected because of its focus on non-violence Furthermore it is a departure from the more inner-directed lines of thought in EP which consider peace a condition of contentment with oneself an absence of war or con ict Even though latterly outright violence is being rejected as a model alternative ways of dealing with con ict are unavailable As a result in spite of this rejection violence is still the way con icts are being dealt with except where - still a much more common occurrence - other equally negative attitudes are adopted such as submission or evasion EP is now going to throw out a challenge to provide education in and for con ict Concretely this challenge will be taken up in such important areas as C ?? taking a positive view of con ict Seeing it as a way of transforming society and human relations and making them fairer Discovering that con ict is an educational opportunity an opportunity to learn to forge another type of relationship a way of preparing ourselves for life learning to assert and enforce our rights in a non-violent manner ?? learning to analyse con icts and discovering their complexity Giving guidelines to teaching sta ? parents and students alike so that they have the tools to help them confront and resolve the con icts that arise in our daily lives ?? ?nding solutions that will enable us to confront con ict without violence without destroying one of the parties and give us the strength we need to ensure that all of us win and can satisfy our needs Developing nonviolent aggressiveness assertiveness and discovering the basis of our own power and others ? these are just a few of the avenues to be explored Educating for con ict means learning to analyse and resolve con icts both at the micro level interpersonal con icts in our personal surroundings classroom home neighbourhood etc and at the macro level social and international con icts among others In the new century learning to resolve con icts in a just and non-violent way is a big challenge and one that educators for peace cannot shirk nor would we wish to A positive

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  • Publié le Mai 12, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 205.8kB