English b standard level paper 2 anglais b niveau moyen epreuve 2 ingles b nivel medio prueba 2

M ABENG SP ENG TZ XX English B ?? Standard level ?? Paper Anglais B ?? Niveau moyen ?? Épreuve Inglés B ?? Nivel medio ?? Prueba Tuesday May morning Mardi mai matin Martes de mayo de ma? ana h m Instructions to candidates ? Do not turn over this examination paper until instructed to do so ? Choose one task Each task is worth marks ? The maximum mark for this examination paper is marks Instructions destinées aux candidats ? Ne retournez pas cette épreuve avant d ? y être autorisé e ? Choisissez une t? che Chaque t? che vaut points ? Le nombre maximum de points pour cette épreuve d ? examen est de points Instrucciones para los alumnos ? No dé la vuelta al examen hasta que se lo autoricen ? Elija una tarea Cada tarea vale puntos ? La puntuación máxima para esta prueba de examen es puntos pages páginas ?? ?? ?? ? International Baccalaureate Organization C ?? ?? M ABENG SP ENG TZ XX Complete one of the following tasks Write to words Cultural diversity Your school is attended by students from many di ?erent cultures and you are very proud of this fact As the president of the Student Council you have decided to write an article for your school magazine in which you explain the bene ?ts of attending a multicultural school Customs and traditions You took part in an exchange programme to an English-speaking country and participated in a typical outdoor or sport activity Write a report for the head of your school describing the activity you took part in and explaining how this could bene ?t the outdoor or sport activity programme at your school Health A local fast food restaurant has started making special o ?ers for students at your school You are worried about the negative e ?ects this may have on their health As a member of the Student Council write a brochure to be distributed at your school giving advice on how to enjoy fast food responsibly and warning them against the negative e ?ects of this kind of food Leisure You entered a photography contest run by a national magazine hoping to win the top prize of a trip to your favourite city Unfortunately you did not win and now your dream of visiting that city is shattered Write a blog entry to share your feelings with your online followers Science and technology You regularly read both electronic and hard- copy books Your friend has never read books electronically He she has contacted you by email asking what the di ?erences and similarities are of reading electronically and on paper and which type of reading you would recommend Write the email response to your friend C

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  • Publié le Mar 23, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 25.5kB