Role of ngo in welfare Canadian Social Science Vol No December The Role of NGOs in the Social Welfare ROLE DES ONG DANS L ? ASSISTANCE SOCIALE Gao Jianxiu Abstract Since the Reform has brought great change in almost every aspect of China such as economy p
Canadian Social Science Vol No December The Role of NGOs in the Social Welfare ROLE DES ONG DANS L ? ASSISTANCE SOCIALE Gao Jianxiu Abstract Since the Reform has brought great change in almost every aspect of China such as economy politics social life and culture awareness which also can be re ected by development of China ? s social organizations especially Non-governmental organization NGOs Social welfare e ?ort to meet societal needs through the provision of concrete resources and services As NGOs have become increasingly involved in providing health care education and services to people they have also become critical in ensuring social welfare This paper will provide an analysis of the roles that NGOs can play within the realm of social welfare particularly in the ?eld of alleviating poverty The paper is organized into three sections In the ?rst section will provide a brief overview of NGOs development and the roles of NGOs in China In section two will highlight currently NGOs playing important role in alleviating poverty in China and in section three will identify the reasons why NGOs play roles in social welfare Key words NGOs Social Welfare Poverty Résumé Depuis la Réforme a changé considérablement tous les aspects de la Chine tels que l ? économie la politique la vie sociale et la conscience culturelle Le changement se re ète aussi dans le développement des organisation sociales de Chine surtout les organisations non gouvernementales ONG L ? assistance sociale s ? e ?orce de satisfaire les besoins des gens par l ? o ?re des ressources et services concrètes Comme les ONG s ? impliquent de plus en plus dans l ? assistance sociale en o ?rant des soins médicaux l ? aide éducative et des services elles s ? avèrent très importantes dans l ? assistance sociale Cet article analyse les rôles des ONG dans le domaine de l ? assistance sociale notamment dans la diminution de la pauvreté L ? article présent est composé de trois parties La première partie présente un panorama du développement des ONG et leurs rôles en Chine La deuxième partie met l ? accent sur leurs rôles dans la diminution de la pauvreté en Chine et la dernière partie procède à éclaircir pourquoi les ONG peuvent jouer un rôle dans l ? assistance sociale Mots-Clés ONG assistance sociale pauvreté INTRODUCTION The term non-governmental organization or NGO is any non-pro ?t emphasis on voluntarism self-governing and pursuing a mandate of providing development services undertaking communal development work or advocating on development issues New terms like ??civil society ? and ??third sector ? also appeared and they signi ?ed a trend to extend the scope of social welfare The reforms of economy after the early s have created an increased demand for public services This demand has led to the opening of Chinese society a privatization of e ?orts to deliver public services and the development of Chinese non-governmental organization The number of Chinese NGOs has grown signi ?cantly over
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- Publié le Nov 29, 2022
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