Fr verbsmulti1stpers match
TaskMagic French verb tense revision st person singular Match the items on the left with the items on the right play I was ing je vais me doucher play I would je jouerai have a shower I am going to je jouais play I je jouais go I am going to je jouerais learn I am ing j'ai appris learn I ed ie past j'allais do make I would je joue play I used to je voudrais jouer go I used to je ferais do make I have to je dois faire play I'd like to j'apprends go I was ing j'apprenais play I will j'allais learn I was ing TaskMagic Play - Unlimited - www mdlsoft co uk - multitenseregirregre stpers mgr je vais aller Page CTaskMagic French verb tense revision st person singular Match the items on the left with the items on the right go I ed ie past je ne peux pas faire do make I will je suis allé e have a shower I'd like to je dois jouer go I would j'irais learn I j'apprenais have a shower I would je ferai play I have to je voudrais aller have a shower I used to j'apprends do make I used to je me doucherais learn I used to je ne peux pas me doucher have a shower I can't je me douchais go I have to je vais jouer go I'd like to je faisais do make I can't Je voudrais me doucher play I am going to TaskMagic Play - Unlimited - www mdlsoft co uk - multitenseregirregre stpers mgr je dois aller Page CTaskMagic French verb tense revision st person singular Match the items on the left with the items on the right have a shower I je ne peux pas aller learn I will je vais apprendre do make I want to je vais faire do make I am ing je me douche learn I am going to je veux aller do make I je fais have a shower I am ing j'apprendrais learn I would je fais go I want to j'apprendrai go I can't je me douche have a shower I ed ie past je me suis douché e play I am ing je ne peux pas jouer learn I'd like to je voudrais apprendre do make I am going to je veux faire play I can't TaskMagic Play - Unlimited - www mdlsoft co uk - multitenseregirregre stpers mgr je joue Page CTaskMagic French verb tense revision st person singular Match the items on the left with the items on the right have a shower I will je veux jouer have a shower I was ing je faisais learn I want to j'ai fait learn I have to je me douchais do make I ed ie past je ne peux pas apprendre learn I can't je dois apprendre play I ed ie past je vais go I je veux me doucher play I want to je me doucherai
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jan 15, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 29.8kB