Goals guide INDIVIDUAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN GOALS ? INDENTIFICATION GUIDE-SAMPLE GOALS To the Educator This Goals ? Identi ?cation Guide is provided to assist you in identifying goals that may help you to maximize your professional potential to y

INDIVIDUAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN GOALS ? INDENTIFICATION GUIDE-SAMPLE GOALS To the Educator This Goals ? Identi ?cation Guide is provided to assist you in identifying goals that may help you to maximize your professional potential to yourself your students your district and the community within which you work It is a guide and is not intended to be inclusive You are encouraged to develop goals that re ect those needs that will help you your students your building and or your school district to succeed Content Knowledge To increase improve my ability to apply technologies as e ?ective content tools To enhance professional knowledge Elementary Art English Mathematics etc To develop teaching learning units which promote student knowledge in my discipline To work with colleagues in ways which help to integrate my discipline within the school To increase improve my ability to apply technologies as e ?ective teaching and learning tools Professional Ethic To learn and or demonstrate understanding and use of educational theory philosophy To learn more about the community that services our schools To learn and apply new ways of improving race relations among students faculty and community To gain knowledge of where and how to acquire information to assist my job responsibilities To maintain current knowledge of local state and national educational policies and issues Assessment and Evaluation Skills To apply technologies as e ?ective assessment tools To apply assessment data to instruction To construct e ?ective evaluation instruments To expand the number and types of assessment tools To interpret test scores To better teach test-taking skills To improve instruction of pro ?ciency competency and or standardized testing purposes and creation Instructional Methodology To apply technologies as e ?ective teaching and learning tools To improve student reading skills To integrate higher-order thinking skills To facilitate students to teach themselves and others cooperative learning etc To teach across many disciplines To learn teaching methods which promote increased student achievement To gain knowledge of how to adapt instruction to the individual needs of all students CINDIVIDUAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN GOALS ? INDENTIFICATION GUIDE-SAMPLE GOALS Communication Skills To apply technologies as e ?ective communications ? tool To present to various publics To enhance writing skills students peers others To improve non-verbal communications skills To ?nd ways to increase parental involvement in parent-teacher conferences Interpersonal Skills To apply technologies as e ?ective interpersonal tools To coach others to achieve and succeed To coordinate or direct the e ?orts of others To encourage the involvement of others Management and Administrative Skills To apply technologies as e ?ective management tools To apply available resources to school improvement To collect data to use in planning and problem solving To create conditions and environment for productive performance To establish vision that encourages performance of self and others To learn planning and organizational skills that improve self and others Skills to Meet the Needs of Special Students To apply technologies as e ?ect intervention tools To adapt instruction to all skills levels To increase my awareness

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  • Publié le Jui 16, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 31.3kB