Gps buying guide GPS Buying Guide ? SparkFun Electronics items in cart USD You are not logged in log in SparkFun ElectronicsGPS Buying Guide Above system your head right now at an altitude of about km there is a of navigation satellites There's of them ac

GPS Buying Guide ? SparkFun Electronics items in cart USD You are not logged in log in SparkFun ElectronicsGPS Buying Guide Above system your head right now at an altitude of about km there is a of navigation satellites There's of them active at any given Home GPS Buying Guide time It cost millions and millions of dollars to put those satellites in the sky and link them appropriately and you know what they're doing They're helping you ?nd that place your friend told you about that one time The GPS or Global Positioning System is accessible from almost everywhere on Earth and provides exact coordinates of your current location so that you can ?gure out where you are Combine that information with a good map and there's nothing you can't ?nd But what if you want that uncanny sense of direction in say your pet robot Good news GPS modules are small light weight and inexpensive They're also pretty easy to use There are a ton of GPS modules on the market these days and it can be hard to ?gure out what you need for your project hopefully this guide will demystify GPS a little bit and get you on the right track Actually tell you what Go read about GPS on Wikipedia it's a great article to get you familiar with the technology Our job is to teach you how to use it Now how do we actually use it It's gloriously simple Every GPS module works the same power it and within seconds to a minute it will output a string of ASCII characters like this What is all that Those are NMEA sentences You can view the text coming out of these GPS modules using any old terminal program Is the example above can you pick out the longitude and latitude That's where SparkFun lives We use GPS Visualizer to convert these numbers to something that google maps can understand Sounds Awesome Where Do I Start There are a lot of options when it comes to GPS modules so it can be hard to just pick one and get hacking The size update rate power requirements these are all features that you'll want to look into before you pick https www sparkfun com pages GPS Guide C Size GPS Buying Guide ? SparkFun Electronics This is something you need to consider if your project is supposed to be pocket-sized GPS modules are getting eversmaller Your tiny tiny cell phone has one in it but remember that in general the antenna has to shrink to ?t the module which will a ?ect things like lock time and accuracy Update Rate The update rate of a GPS module is basically how often it recalculates and reports its position The standard for most devices is Hz Only once per second The fact is unless you're on an airplane or something you're probably not going fast enough to have changed position signi ?cantly in the past second However UAVs

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