Guide 2023 05 31T035723 871

Bindu Studio Bottle Cutting ' Instruction Guide How to a Cut Glass Bottle With the Bindu Studio Bottle Cutter Note Cutting a glass bottle is not di ?cult Just like cutting a at piece of glass is not di ?cult However there is a learning curve Work Smart - Wear Eye Protection Scoring the Bottle We do not 'cut glass' but score it creating a minute ?ssure and then separate it at that point Our objective is to score and separate the bottle so that the resulting cut edge has a good quality surface as free as possible of nicks and chips Start with a Clean Bottle Be sure there is no label glue dirt or contaminates at the point where the cutting wheel will come in contact with the bottle At Bindu Studio we soak our bottles in water to loosen the labels and the glue Then with the use of a single edge razor blade mounted in a razor scraper the labels come o ? fairly easily After the label and glue have been removed use a scrub pad and a little detergent to ?nish the job You can score a bottle with the label still attached or even a dirty bottle just be sure it is clean at the point where the scoring wheel will come in contact with the bottle CPosition the Bottle on the Tool We suggest you start with a standard circular wine bottle It is easiest to adjust the Bindu Studio Bottle Cutter when it is sitting at on the surface of the work table Adjustments can be done by hand no tools necessary Length Adjustment Set the back stop at the rear of the tool Support the rear of the bottle with the rear base at a location where the rollers can rotate around the bottle without any obstructions Set the front base ??with turret at the point that corresponds to the location that the bottle is to be scored when it is resting on the tool Width Adjustment To increase or decrease the width support loosen the top knurled nut on the lift then remove the bottom screw pivot the lift and replace the screw Most bottles will ?t the middle lift width position Turret Adjustment Loosen the turret screw and rotate the turret body so that a cutting wheel will come in full contact with the bottle Care should be taken when adjusting the turret Do not over loosen -as the six small cutting wheels are free oating on the turret body axle pins This position ? as seen above ? with the bottle cutter and the bottle facing the operator from the side is the best position to use when scoring a bottle It allows both hands easy access to the top of the bottle for easy rotation and maintaining proper pressure throughout the full degrees Rotate the Bottle to Create a Score Line A The glass surface along the line of the cut must be clean B The

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  • Publié le Oct 11, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 31.1kB