Insulation guide Master Insulation Guide Speci ?cation For Mechanical System ? AP Arma ex Pipe Insulation ? AP Arma ex W Pipe Insulation ? AP Arma ex SS Pipe Insulation ? AP Arma ex Sheet and Roll Insulation ? AP Arma ex SA Sheet and Roll Insulation ? Arm

Master Insulation Guide Speci ?cation For Mechanical System ? AP Arma ex Pipe Insulation ? AP Arma ex W Pipe Insulation ? AP Arma ex SS Pipe Insulation ? AP Arma ex Sheet and Roll Insulation ? AP Arma ex SA Sheet and Roll Insulation ? ArmaTu ? Laminated Sheets and Rolls ? UT Sola ex Pipe Insulation ? UT Sola ex Roll Insulation ? NH Arma ex Pipe Insulation ? NH Arma ex Sheet and Roll Insulation ? Arma ?x IPH and NPH Insulation Pipe Hangers CMaster Insulation Guide Speci ?cation Master Insulation Guide Speci ?cation For Mechanical Systems Part ?? General Scope of Work A Provide piping ductwork and equipment insulation as speci ?ed below De ?nitions A Cold Piping Surfaces Pipes or surfaces where the normal operating temperature is F or lower B Third Party Supervision Testing Veri ?cation testing by a nationally recognized independent testing organization that will conduct sampling of the product through to simulated end use testing C Thermal Conductivity The amount of heat in Btu ? s transferred in one hour through one square foot of homogeneous material one inch in thickness when there is a temperature di ?erence of F D Compression Fit Method To allow for expansion and contraction of sheet and roll insulation leave a ? -wide uncoated border at the butt-edge seams on the surface to be insulated and the insulation surface Overlap the insulation ? at the butt-edge and compress the edges into place Apply adhesive to the butt-edges of the insulation Quality Assurance A Material shall be delivered in unbroken factory furnished packaging and stored in a clean dry indoor space that provides protection against the weather B Insulation shall be applied by quali ?ed personnel skilled in this trade C Progressive testing of the systems to be insulated shall have been completed inspected and approved by the owners' representative before the insulation is applied D Insulation shall not be applied until all surfaces are clean dry and free of dirt dust grease frost moisture and other extraneous elements E Work shall be performed at the temperatures recommended by the product manufacturer Part ?? Products Elastomeric Insulation Acceptable Manufacturers ?? These speci ?cations are based on products and data of Armacell and designate the type and quality of work intended under this section Products of other manufacturers proposed as equivalent must be submitted for written approval by the specifying engineer ten days prior to the bid date Supporting technical data samples published speci ?cations and the like must be submitted for comparison The contractor should warrant that proposed substitutions if accepted will provide performance equal to the materials speci ?ed herein ? Armacell LLC CMaster Insulation Guide Speci ?cation A Insulation material shall be a exible closed-cell elastomeric insulation in tubular or sheet form AP Arma ex AP Arma ex W AP Arma ex SS or AP Arma ex SA These products meet the requirements as de ?ned in ASTM C ??Speci ?cation for preformed elastomeric cellular

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  • Publié le Aoû 08, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 59.7kB