Simops guide AB Guidance on Simultaneous Operations SIMOPS International Marine Contractors Association www imca-int com IMCA M March CAB The International Marine Contractors Association IMCA is the international trade association representing o ?shore ma

AB Guidance on Simultaneous Operations SIMOPS International Marine Contractors Association www imca-int com IMCA M March CAB The International Marine Contractors Association IMCA is the international trade association representing o ?shore marine and underwater engineering companies IMCA promotes improvements in quality health safety environmental and technical standards through the publication of information notes codes of practice and by other appropriate means Members are self-regulating through the adoption of IMCA guidelines as appropriate They commit to act as responsible members by following relevant guidelines and being willing to be audited against compliance with them by their clients There are two core activities that relate to all members ? Competence Training ? Safety Environment Legislation The Association is organised through four distinct divisions each covering a speci ?c area of members ? interests Diving Marine O ?shore Survey Remote Systems ROV There are also ?ve regional sections which facilitate work on issues a ?ecting members in their local geographic area ?? Asia-Paci ?c Central South America Europe Africa Middle East India and North America IMCA M www imca-int com marine The information contained herein is given for guidance only and endeavours to re ect best industry practice For the avoidance of doubt no legal liability shall attach to any guidance and or recommendation and or statement herein contained ? IMCA ?? International Marine Contractors Association CGuidance on Simultaneous Operations SIMOPS IMCA M ?? March Introduction Purpose and Scope Glossary SIMOPS Flowchart ?? Life Cycle Model for SIMOPS The SIMOPS Process Identifying SIMOPS The SIMOPS Process Preparation of Work-Speci ?c Dossiers by Each Party Involved in the SIMOPS Carry Out SIMOPS Assessment Review Development of a SIMOPS Interface Document Preparation for SIMOPS Undertaking the SIMOPS Close Out C C Introduction Purpose and Scope This document is intended to provide guidance for all parties involved in simultaneous marine operations SIMOPs in support of o ?shore oil and gas exploration and production or related construction and survey activities The structure of the document re ects the order of SIMOPS activities ?? from when it is identi ?ed that two or more marine operations are to be carried out simultaneously through the planning execution and management of such activities The risks associated with simultaneous operations can be eliminated minimised or managed through proper planning communication and supervision IMCA M C Glossary A number of specialised terms are used in this document It is assumed that readers are familiar with most of them However a number of them although in use for many years could be misunderstood These terms are de ?ned below to ensure that readers understand what is meant by them in this document Close proximity Within the metre zone DP system A DP system is the entire system necessary to maintain a DP vessel ? s position including computers sensors thrusters and power generation amongst others DP vessel A unit or a vessel which maintains its position with a dynamic positioning system FPSO Floating production storage and o oading unit vessel FPU Floating production

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