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ORDER FORM Just mail fax e-mail or phone your order with full payment or purchase order By phone - -RSHARMA - By mail Sharma Leadership International B Pleasant Blvd Suite Toronto ON M T K Online www robinsharma com By fax - Quantity Item No Item Description Unit Price Total s Visa s Check Enclosed Card Signature Ship to Name Company Address Exp Phone no E-mail Sub-total Shipping Handling Add GST Canada Only Add PST On goods and shipping Ontario only Expedited Shipping See Below TOTAL ENCLOSED SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGES Up to to to to to Over EXPEDITED SHIPPING OPTION U S CANADA ?? DAYS ADD ALL PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED CTHE Robin Sharma Leadership LEARNING GUIDE Leadership Lessons for Professional and Personal Mastery ? A publication of Sharma Leadership International FOLREALDIFEERLSOHNIPGWSIUSDCOCMESS Link Paycheck to Purpose Purpose is the greatest motivator in the world One of the deepest human hungers is the need to contribute and make a di ?erence Show your people how the work they are doing touches and improves lives Manage by Mind Lead by Heart Visionary leaders let their humanity shine at work They know that great leadership precedes great followership and do whatever it takes to engage the trust and loyalty of their team Reward Routinely Recognize Relentlessly People who feel great about themselves do great work E ?ective leaders relentlessly reward superior performance They understand that praise is free and have the wisdom to know that behavior that is rewarded is behavior that will be repeated Surrender to Change Rather than resisting change understand that change is essential to growth and embrace it Change precedes all progress Open your eyes to the boundless opportunities that change presents and become a part of it Focus on the Worthy Spending all your time only on those high-yield activities that deliver the results you need to see for success is the secret of personal e ?ectiveness Remember if you don ? t act on life life will act on you Leader Lead Thyself Success on the outside begins within You cannot do great things if you do not think great thoughts and you cannot manage a team unless you ?rst learn how to manage yourself See What All See Think What None Think In this day and age ideas are the commodity of success See the world through the eyes of a child Become a possibilitarian Get creative and innovative Connect Leadership to Legacy Concentrate on contribution and creating something great for those who will follow you As the sages of the East used to say ??when you were born you cried while the world rejoiced Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries while you rejoice ? From the National Bestseller ?? Leadership Wisdom from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari HarperCollins ROBIN ? S MESSAGE In today ? s brave and challenging new world with it ? s breathtaking change and dazzling opportunities the need for true leadership has

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  • Publié le Jui 08, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 95.9kB