Modeling and control Oil Gas Science and Technology ?? Rev IFP Vol No pp - Copyright c Institut français du pétrole DOI ogst New Trends on Engine Control Simulation and Modelling Avancées dans le contrôle et la simulation des systèmes Groupe Moto-Propulse

Oil Gas Science and Technology ?? Rev IFP Vol No pp - Copyright c Institut français du pétrole DOI ogst New Trends on Engine Control Simulation and Modelling Avancées dans le contrôle et la simulation des systèmes Groupe Moto-Propulseur Modeling and Control of Turbocharged SI and DI Engines L Eriksson Vehicular Systems Dept of Electrical Engineering Link? ping University SE- Link? ping - Sweden e-mail larer isy liu se Résumé ?? Modélisation et contrôle de moteurs suralimentés à allumage commandé et à injection directe ?? Une méthodologie pour la modélisation par composants de moteurs suralimentés est décrite et appliquée Plusieurs modèles à composants sont considérés et évalués De plus de nouveaux modèles sont élaborés incluant l ? e ?cacité du compresseur le ux dans le compresseur et le ux dans la turbine En ?n deux exemples d ? application qui utilisent cette méthodologie et ces modèles de composants sont présentés Les applications sont d ? une part la conception d ? observateurs et le contrôle du rapport air carburant de moteurs à allumage commandé et d ? autre part la conception du contrôle de moteurs à injection directe incluant un turbocompresseur à géométrie variable et le recyclage de gaz d ? échappement Abstract ?? Modeling and Control of Turbocharged SI and DI Engines ?? A component based modeling methodology for turbocharged engines is described and applied Several component models are compiled and reviewed In addition new models are developed for the compressor e ?ciency compressor ow and turbine ow Two application examples are ?nally given where the modeling methodology and the component models have been used The applications are ?rstly observer design and air fuel ratio control of SI engines and secondly control design of DI engines with VGT and EGR C Oil Gas Science and Technology ?? Rev IFP Vol No INTRODUCTION Environmental concern coupled to pollutants and consumption of our ?nite resources is driving the technological development of engines and vehicles Higher demands from legislators and customers are met by introducing new technological solutions that give the system designer more degrees of freedom to utilize when optimizing a vehicles performance One interesting path for improving the fuel e ?ciency is to downsize and supercharge the engines - These new systems combined with the already complex engines require proper control and gives the controls engineer a more complex task to handle One way to handle the complexity is to utilize model-based methods where the components and the complex interactions between them are described by models These models are utilized in a central way in the design of the control and supervision systems Mean Value Engine Models MVEM have a complexity that is favorable for design of control and supervision systems where they form an excellent basis for e g control and observer design Consequently have they been successfully utilized in several aspects of engine management - and engine supervision These MVEM are usually formulated as a non-linear Ordinary Di ?erential Equation ODE which gives a model complexity suitable for

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  • Publié le Jan 26, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 105.6kB