Moderator guide Moderator Guide Focus Group UC Davis Coursera December Mock New and Updated Cell Phone Features I Background Welcome and thank you for coming to our focus group discussion about cell phones today I am Sankaran my independent research ?rm I
Moderator Guide Focus Group UC Davis Coursera December Mock New and Updated Cell Phone Features I Background Welcome and thank you for coming to our focus group discussion about cell phones today I am Sankaran my independent research ?rm Impact Research was hired to get your feedback about the most important attributes that drive you to buy a new cell phone The company wants to ?nd out what features they should include in this cellphone to make it the most attractive of the newest and hottest cellphones on the market II Rules of Focus Group We want you all to talk freely about your opinions today Remember there is no right or wrong answers so please share openly We want to hear from everybody just not at the same time We appreciate that you agreed to participate in what will become an example of a focus group that will be used as part of an online course for UC Davis Extension on Qualitative Research The consent form you signed allows us to use audio and video segments from this group for instructional purposes only Since this is for a course there may be times throughout the group where we will need to ask you to repeat one of your comments if the videographer missed it We appreciate your cooperation in advance CWhen a report is written there will not be any identifying factors In the report your name or likeness will not be used The group should last no longer than minutes Please refrain from leaving the room until the group is over and make sure to turn o ? your cell phone Please face your table-tent with your name towards me so I can see it Ill Introductions I am Sankaran the Student of the Qualitative Research and do research for learning about it and I love playing cricket and hanging out with my friends at my free time IV Background Questions on Current Cell Phone Let ? s start by going around the room again and tell me ?rst what cell phone brand and model you have and what features you like about your current cell phone What made you choose that brand in the ?rst place If you considered another type of phone when you were buying your current one what made you decide not to buy that one Did you switch from another brand What made you decide to buy this one over that one What are things you don't like about your cell phone compared to others When do you use your cell phone for the most CV Features and Apps minutes What features or Apps are the most important on your cell phone You named some already Thinking about some these phone features or apps you mentioned as I read each one by raising your hand which would you say is the most important to you Then least important Did we miss any other features VI Phone Attributes Thinking about speci ?c attributes technical
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- Publié le Dec 01, 2022
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