Music bio guide SFCM ?Music ?Bio ?Guide ? A ? bio ? is ? a ? multi- ? purpose ? body ? of ? text ? that ? describes ? to ? a ? promoter ? employer ? audience ? member ?curator ?competition ?judge ?or ?the ?general ?public ?who ?you ?are ?and ?what ?you ?d

SFCM ?Music ?Bio ?Guide ? A ? bio ? is ? a ? multi- ? purpose ? body ? of ? text ? that ? describes ? to ? a ? promoter ? employer ? audience ? member ?curator ?competition ?judge ?or ?the ?general ?public ?who ?you ?are ?and ?what ?you ?do ?It ?is ?often ? used ? for ? publicity ? and ? securing ? performance ? opportunities ? Your ? bio ? may ? appear ? in ? a ? printed ? program ?in ?a ?press ?release ?about ?the ?performance ?on ?a ?website ?for ?marketing ?in ?an ?application ?or ? on ? a ? concert ? yer ? Depending ? on ? the ? intended ? function ? of ? your ? bio ? and ? stage ? of ? your ? career ? your ? bio ?can ?range ?in ?length ?from ?one ?paragraph ?to ?one ?page ?A ?good ?bio ?will ?generate ?excitement ?and ?an ? understanding ?of ?your ?work ?your ?career ?and ?your ?background ? ? Your ?bio ?should ?tell ?us ?the ?story ?about ?who ?you ?are ?as ?an ?artist ?Typical ? details ? included ? in ? a ? bio ?are ?when ?where ?and ?from ?whom ?you ?received ?your ?training ?well ?known ?names ? you ?have ?worked ?with ?competitions ?or ?awards ?you ?have ?won ?and ?notable ?projects ? festivals ? and ? ensembles ? you ? have ? participated ? in ? It ? is ? important ? to ? use ? descriptive ? language ? that ? not ? only ? communicates ? the ? quality ? of ? what ? you ? have ? to ? o ?er ? but ? also ? di ?erentiates ? you ?from ?the ?pack ?If ?you ?are ?a ?performer ?try ?to ?paint ?the ?picture ?of ?what ?the ?experience ?of ?one ?of ? your ? performances ? is ? like ? to ? participate ? in ? If ? you ? are ? a ? composer ? the ? bio ? should ? clearly ? articulate ? what ? your ? music ? sounds ? like ? what ? your ? in uences ? are ? and ? why ? the ? audience ? should ? be ? excited ? to ? hear ? what ? you ? have ? to ? present ? Pull ? excerpts ? of ? quotes ? from ? reviews ? you ? may ? have ? received ? or ? mention ?well ?known ?artists ?who ?you ?are ?in uenced ?by ?Use ? information ? about ? yourself ? that ? will ? entice ?your ?intended ?audience ?and ?generate ?a ?buzz ? ? Use ? good ? writing ? fundamentals ? when ? you ? construct ? your ? bio ? Begin ? with ? a ? topic ? sentence ? that ? encapsulates ? the ? contents ? of ? the ? sentences ? to ? follow ? Do ? not ? string ? together ? a ? list ? of ? your

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  • Publié le Oct 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 23.4kB